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  • We do not give our beef any hormones and we only vacinate if we really need to. If we did vacinate one then we would not sell it. We are trying to keep them as natural as possible. We are shooting for around 200 lb quarters so that can kind of give you an idea of about how much meat you would be splitting. Let me know if you have any more questions.
    Hi, we do not have a website but I would be able to give you what ever info you would like. We sell it for $1.75 lb hanging weight, we only charge for the meat that you are getting. Its 42 cents a lb for processing, it might be a little more depending on how you want things cut. We can not sell an 1/8 but we did have two people buy a quarter and then they split that and they said it worked out fine. 1/4 is as small as we can go. I would be happy to answer anymore questions you may have. If you would prefer to call let me know and I can send you my number. Thank you.
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