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  • hey kathy, i have a couple extra 55c/2 toaster strudel blinkies if you want any. they expired in sept last year, so theres still a month on them for this buy 5 save 5 deal. ttys
    do u shop at fair play? they have OM turkey franks, bologna, cotto salami for .99 (limit 4) and theres a $1/2 q in the 6-20 ss
    dawn is .68 (limit 2) with a .25 q in the 6-6 pg
    gatorade (not the greatest deal) but buy 10 for $10 and get 5 free propel

    their deli is pretty good too, but not sure what stuff you guys like. i'm heading to cvs & target today, didnt get a chance to go yesterday (as usual =( lol)
    just got your message- kids have been staying up so late these past couple days. i'll give u a call sometime tomorrow- maybe we can get together during the week.
    theres going to be a $1 off 2 hebrew national franks in this sundays inserts. thatll be a great deal for F4L
    Yes, I have been to that store for the last few days....ran out of neutrogena coupons, but have some being delivered tomorrow! That store is the best around that is for sure.
    I live east of cicero near the baseball field, a block away from our old mayor. Do you have any kids? I have 4 17, 15, 5, and 23 month old. all boys! do your kids play any sports? mine play soccer and ice hockey.
    Hi Kathy! My name is Christi. Whereabouts are you in Crestwood? I am just west of Cicero on 135th St. We should meet up one day, I am always out deal shopping :D
    BTW, your PMs aren't on yet. you need to turn them on if you want your messages private.
    Hey! You were trying to contact someone about getting some coupons...and instead of PMing them you hit the mod alert button (I got the alert in my emails)

    So, they didn't get the message, you need to try again.:huggy::huggy:

    NO, i DIDN'T MY KIDS DON'T CARE FOR THAT ONE. My kids are spoiled. Been so busy with the kids these last 3 days. Have to go to Jewel for my freezer coupons that expired today. have about 20 to redeem.
    did u get the 35 cent hangtags on the open pit at f4l? theyre on sale for 78 cents- q= 43 cents..not too bad. didnt find the cheerios qs, but they had the kellogs ones.
    sorry i missed ur call- my oldest is sick now & i was trying to get her to sleep. i'll give you a call tomorrow, hopefully we can meet up still =)
    my email is luvsme23@aol.com- sorry about not answering the other messages rite away- i've been on & off cuz the lil one isnt feeling well & is really clingy =( i'll send you my # now
    Hey lora, do you go to the alsip libary? Maybe we could meet there sometimes with the kids and our coupons. The only place safe for coupons are inside! can you email me at kmboxer04@yahoo.com and we can get each others phone numbers. Talk to you soon.
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