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  • You did ecoupons? I am like a proud mama! Now-tell me you used a manufacturer coupon with it too!?!?!?
    What have you been up too lately??? I know my text was totally inappropriate-I might of had a few ****tails that night. I do not have texting yet, working on it though!
    It's called "how many pipes..." Pipes as in penis. penis as in boys...
    ha! SOOO go to the part about who's the guys on this site. it's hysterical!!! and dirrrrty. It's under off topic i think. my fave spot!
    Matt's Couponer's wanted page has been hijacked!!! LOL!!!!!
    If you use a cubs avatar, you can be BFF with tracy.
    I think you have to wait to be approved. You're not unmonitored. HEY what's that **** calling me a freeloader for??? I told her about the Pieces deal! Matt "thinks" this is "his" page. LOL
    FYI-Cubsfan8580 and autumnsky are FREELOADERS! How about you organize some deals for the coupon queen herself! Tell your wife to stop freeloading off of me!
    Did Matt have a headache from all the deals he was looking up??? LOL. Matt-organize some deals for me! Later, going to bed........
    You need an avatar and puleeeezzzze dont use a bullshit cubs one. :)
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