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  • yah same here... :D
    i tried a lot of quizzes.. they all end up in gryffindor
    I'm doing pretty good, thanks.

    Just posting as you can see. xD But right now I am going to make a website, for my graphics.

    I hope you have a good day at work! :)
    Well hello Danielle! I'm 15 and I live in rainy Scotland. I live with my mum and visit my grandparents regularly. I'm still in school but I'm trying to get a Saturday job on the side. I love acting and graphic design. ^^
    Hey there, I'm trying to get to know the members around here better.. so hi! I'm Sophie hehe ^^
    Ah, well those aren't bad hours! :)

    Yeah, I have stopped doing them. As I said before I am slowly working my way towards a normal sleeping pattern. I got up at a normal time today and I didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the day, so I guess that's a start. ^^ lol Though for some reason I just can't fall asleep at night. I toss and turn, and it usually takes me a couple of hours to finally get comfortable. :/ Oh well, I am sure once my body adjusts, then it'll all be fine again. :)

    You're welcome. I can only imagine. lol

    Yes, it is quite hard sometimes. But you know.. we made it this far. ^^

    What have you been up to today?
    Is this site fairly new? :)

    Oh wow, I'm not sure I could ever work night shifts. I have a hard time getting to sleep as it is. I have recently picked up the habit of pulling all-nighters, which isn't good at all. While I was staying at a friend's house, I pulled at least three of them in one week. And let me tell you.. I feel like straight up crap. I eventually got over it when I returned home.
    Aw, sorry to hear you had mono.. I'm glad you are recovering though! :)

    Indeed, it is very hard to be in a long distance relationship. Especially when the only contact you have is either cell phones or Facebook. lol We are so thankful for Skype, it makes it much easier. Not as effective as face to face interactions, but at least we can see each other and the other's facial expressions. And thank you! I personally never thought it would go this well, but ya know, things happen when you least expect them!

    Oh, I am happy for Kirk! :)
    This forum is actually one of the the few that is active. At least the ones that I looked upon. O.o

    That's good to hear. :) I have been sleeping too much, which I am changing. Trying to get back on my normal sleeping pattern and I need to stop staying up so late. :P

    And yeah, my boyfriend and I do live away from each other. He lives in California, and I live all the way in Maine. lol I hate long distance relationships and I never thought I'd have one that would be hitting one year this September 7th! :P But we are going to meet before then. He's planning on coming up here this August. :)
    I am liking it here, very much. ^^ And ah I see, well I hope you slept well! :) I'm doing good, thanks for asking. About to go Skype with my boyfriend soon. :) I'm just relaxing. ^^
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