K K Kirk Jul 27, 2013 Spend most of it with Lauren. Woop woop! Ah right, I see. Fair play. No little Saturday jobs you could do? MONEY!
Spend most of it with Lauren. Woop woop! Ah right, I see. Fair play. No little Saturday jobs you could do? MONEY!
K K Kirk Jul 25, 2013 Freeeeeeedoooooommmmm!!! Not too bad. Looking forward to my holiday starting next Thursday. 11 days off woop! :D Been up to much, or just chilling?
Freeeeeeedoooooommmmm!!! Not too bad. Looking forward to my holiday starting next Thursday. 11 days off woop! :D Been up to much, or just chilling?
hannah Jun 28, 2013 I never take for granted the beauty of Wales! :D: Scotland and North Wales are beautiful places to visit!
I never take for granted the beauty of Wales! :D: Scotland and North Wales are beautiful places to visit!
hannah Jun 28, 2013 Which Uni, may I ask? If it's just above Bristol, then you'll probably studying by where I live!
Tommy Jun 20, 2013 Well I finished college so I'm technically an unemployed loser! But not for long haha.
Tommy Jun 19, 2013 It's okay aah revising for what subjects? :/ I'm good thank you just spending the week with my boyfriend
It's okay aah revising for what subjects? :/ I'm good thank you just spending the week with my boyfriend
Riven May 7, 2013 sure I am. I am good btw. I think people are friendly enough and treat everyone well