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  • Did you us your 10/50 doms q at jewel. I noticed you couldn't use it at Lockport, but did at New Lenox? I am curious because I have some issues at Lockport Jewel ( depending on which CM is there. )
    Your very welcome! I am glad it all worked!! I think i accepted your friend request not really sure how all of this works!!
    Yes I did get my peanut butter to go through :) I need to wait to swipe my preferred card so I can see if I reached the 25. Thanks for the extra coupons last night, I did get the snapple too! I'm just not sure what step 2 is...the mail in?? Thanks for looking me up you were so nice last night :)
    Do you know if the new catalina with General Mills you can you the rolling catalina the same that we did with this last deal?
    Thanks for the heads up this morning mission completed. Ha,ha! I went to the wrong one at first but they called around. FYI there is no more at that store! Have a great day! Thanks again that was so nice of you.
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