Recent content by keigoh

  1. keigoh

    Guys, take a look at some of my pictures please.

    Fantastic pictures!
  2. keigoh

    Kanye West "Bound 2" ...WORST SONG EVER ughhhh...soooo bad
  3. keigoh

    Count to 2017

  4. keigoh

    Caption this picture XD

    Make it good
  5. keigoh

    Rihanna - Pour It Up

    I honestly do not like this particular song at all. Way too repetitive, and the video is very dull.
  6. keigoh

    Do you like dubstep?

    I like dubstep. Dubstep music in dance parties is boss.
  7. keigoh

    Acting weird to get friends...good or not?

    To start off, I've always wanted to enlarge my social circle a little more this year. Namely, I have striven to make more girl friends, but I recently stopped doing that, because I started to realize that girls aren't really that important, after all. Ok so there's this guy named Ted (not a...
  8. keigoh

    every insecure guy needs to read this
  9. keigoh

    Am I jealous that he seems to have a lot of girl friends?

    Aite, so as I've been posting about a lot lately, I'm really wanting to make hella lot of friends this year. I personally think it's going pretty good because I know a lot more people than I did last year. Ok so there's this guy named Ted (not a real name), whom I've had classes with last...
  10. keigoh

    Weird/Awesome Song
  11. keigoh

    This guy...he doesn't act very naturally :S

    I've really been working on making new friends this year, and be a guy who can be nice to everyone. That's slowly becoming a reality, because I'm in marching band this year, and I notice myself making a lot of friends there. Now, speaking of marching band, there is this one particular guy in it...
  12. keigoh

    Count to 2017

  13. keigoh

    I just really want to make friends and enjoy high school >.<

    Ok, I know I post a lot about advices for my high school years in this here site, because I know this is a place where I can spill all my problems I try to hide and get real advices. Thank you guys for that. Now, I have always been seeking advice on making more friends, primarily girls...
  14. keigoh

    Discussion About Miley Cyrus and Her Music

    Well, I don't know... The fact of the matter is that Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Madonnah all did the same things Miley has done. Perhaps Miley does this with a different reason than all these people.
  15. keigoh

    Discussion About Miley Cyrus and Her Music

    That is absolutely understandable. I see that she didn't want to be controlled by everyone. She might sill want to have some sort of decency in her acts.