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  • A 1/2 takes up most of a large freezer with a little room left over. A 1/4 wouldnt take up as much. I have a family of 5, the 3 children are 6 and under and we go through a 1/2 each year. If you went with a 1/4 the locker just cuts a 1/2 and then splits it into 1/4s. If you went with a 1/4 I would recomend spliting a 1/2 with someone. That way you can get it cut how ever you want. With a 1/4 you have to get it cut similar to the other guy getting the other 1/4. you can email me at I can send you my number if you have anymore questions. Its a little easier to explain everything over the phone. Just put beef in the subject line.
    Hi , I wanted to know your code for the trib/target card for 10 dollars when you sign up for easy pay please.
    Hi, can you share the tribune target code with me please. I had it and now I cannot find it. Thanks
    I am so happy to be able to help with Teags and help with the couponing! Your lil munchkin makes my day :)
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