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  • your email got returned to me

    I think I have about 20 - have to double check

    make an offer - plus stamp (I paid 10 cents each)

    I can still take expireds at a small store near me - so I'm always looking for good value
    free expireds.

    I saw your message about Tide and Bounty. This works off of shelf prices and not sale prices. So, consider adding up the shelf prices for the Tide and Bounty to get to your 20.00 mark. Then you will get a 5.00 coupon for your next order. Any more questions, just ask. Oh, and you can turn on your private messages if you choose. I don't think they are on yet.
    Hello, SO GLAD to hear from you. Sorry for the very late response, I did not notice that I had a note.....yes they are OK. The african american young man who runs the uscan on the weekends is awesome, last time I did about 4-5 seperate transactions NO ISSUES.
    Hello, and welcome! I saw in your post that you go to the Oly. Fields Jewel. I'm from Park Forest, and go there often, too. Glad to hear that the uscan folks were good to you. I have mixed luck when I go there - sometimes they are nice, and other times they tend to scrutinize. Anyway, glad to see someone else from my local area here! Let me know if you ever want to chitchat about other local deals or just anything.
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