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  • Hey, I live in Davenport! Nice to "meet you" neighbor! ;) "confessions of a couponer" website posts out of Moline, too!... and she's on here as well! I'm trying to compile a friends list of all us Quad-Citians so we can be in contact for more local info on deals!
    Your welcome and thanks for editting your posts. their Jewel forum is dead (the last post was 1/9...we really have all the JEwel info here and are happy to have you! I see your private messages are on.

    Welcome to CW!!
    Oh thank you! I also noticed your post here about if we post something somewhere else we should let them know we got it here so I went over to HCW to check all my posts and edited them to give credit here. I am so glad I found this site. HCW only helped me for WAGs and CVS since I don't have any of those grocery stores they post about there. I'm still trying to get the hang of couponing and was starting to think that there weren't any deals around my neck of the woods. Thanks so much!!!
    BTW, you can turn on your private messages if you want them. Go to user up, edit options, then check the boxes to enable them. you don't have to "earn" them here. just turn them on. :)
    You can use the same name....just noticed your posts there and wondered. I figured since you were in Moline and your username there is iso wts for Ia and IL it was you.

    Welcome to CW!!
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