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  • Yeah I've never seen the appeal :(

    To be honest I suffer from migraines anyway, so I expect hangovers would not be worth what's gotten from drinking. Being drunk doesn't really look like much fun either, I think moderation is best :P
    Me and my boyfriend just aren't big drinkers :3
    I agree! :)

    I turn 18 this year and no doubt I may have a drink and a good time, but getting wasted certainly isn't on the agenda.
    Drunk people aren't that fun really. I imagine the first few times its novelty but after a while I'd get frustrated with being around people like that.
    Oh I feel you ;_; I'm usually surrounded by the same people. I have only a couple good friends but they don't like using forums :P
    Haha that's okay :P

    I must say I enjoyed Twilight when I was 13 haha! 50 shades of grey was truly terrible, I sympathize :P
    Oh awesome n_n I'm really glad you decided to sign up then. We love it when people come from Google as it means we haven't had to nag you! :P Feel free to nag your friends to join though haha :P
    Yeah nearly all the people here are really nice and easy to get along with and the admins are so caring :') I'm sure it will flourish amazingly haha.

    Well I'm glad you've joined :)
    aah haven't gone on the Wii in ages :P

    Just Skyping my boyfriend and that. :)

    So what brought you to Confab?
    Oh right! Wasn't sure if you'd hopped onto here from a site I go on/advertised on :P
    What did you type in to find us if you don't mind me asking? ^_^
    Hey Raven! How did you find out about Confab-It?
    I'm not entirely sure if I already know you or not! :P
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