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  • Nuuu, your inbox is full!!! XD So I'm saying it here: When's that LA con? If Tom goes to that one too, please get me an autograph! D: I will be your slave forever! XD
    I collected about 100 gifs for the "gif your mood" thread and no one posts in it anymore. FML. lol...
    Hahaha I don't even know why I chose it. Quite random and weird but at least it matches my personality! :)
    "Rawiyah has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space." :rolleyes: lol! That's probably my fault. XD
    I'm crazy or something, I can't change my status anymore. lol or I forgot how to do it. *confused*
    I have mixed feelings about the site. There's one I can't abide and another who I recognise from another forum. Now, providing they stay off my back and that of Alexa's, all should be fine. The previous place where you and I were, that was an absolute hole. The staff were overbearing and bullied. The members were ignorant (those who haven't joined here as yet thank the good lord!), highly judgemental and regularly abused the rep feature which infuriated me. But here it's nice and laid back, very different and really quite homely. It's growing fast, too.

    My health is on the 'up', but sometimes like late last night I felt ghastly. Alex, bless her, tries so hard to cheer me up. She's asleep now, very tired and has another beast of an AS Level exam tomorrow. I'm taking us away on a crusie soon, and family. For a nice relaxing holiday where we'll be happy to stay off the internet.
    How are you liking this forum? I am, and quite surprised seeing so many familioar sounding members.
    Thank for your 'Like'. :)
    Awwwh, thank you! :D That pretty much made my day, as all I really do is crochet. Lol. And, alright! I have been enjoying myself so far, it's a fun environment!
    It was 'hell' you know. had to leave after feeling bullied by 'D', one of the admins.
    I stayed away cuz a girl statrted getting on my ****, followed me across the forums picking on me everywhere I went. Until I lashed out at her only to get infracted for it.

    How are you liking it here? I think it's a lot nicer. :)
    For privacy reasons I'll just state, an electronics store. :)
    Oh right, sorry to hear that. :( At 'least you have some experience under your belt, that's got to count for something. :)
    Aye, I have a job. I work in retail. Blergh! Still, I suppose it's better than nothing. :)
    How long you been without a job for, if you don't mind me asking? I was quite fortunate as I had a job within a couple of months leaving college.
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