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  • I just wanted to say that I appreciate your post about abortion. I think it's terrible and that it should never happen for any reason. It's hard to change legislatively, but there are laws that can be passed and things that can be done. I think maybe a personal letter or e-mail to your senator or congressman would be beneficial.
    I'm sorry. That last message was mod approved. I couldn't see it until; now. The stacking on the GM deal was on & off. That's why I usually do seperate orders. I hope shopping & saving is going great for you! I'm in the middle of moving. So, I won't be on much this week. TTFN
    Thanks for giving mom the info about this site Ive been couponing for years but never realized I could be saving even more. Great resource. I just seen where they said GM is stacking so do you know if it works with unlimited or just 2. I still have quite a it i would like to get since I found out the $25 was shelf price
    Hello there!!

    I've been trying to keep an eye out for you!! You Mom is really great...even though her boss was being a butt...I think we both wanted to slap him!! I just saw your post Please let me know if you have any questions. Welcome to the best kept Jewel deals anywhere!!
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