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  • Aye, I had noticed; it's a real shame but, what can you do...was heading into the dumps for years now. I blame management. *cough*
    We're trying our best. I'm by no means perfect but I just want everyone to enjoy themselves like we all used to. :) So, yeah, stick around and invite some friends over who might be interested; it's a long road to growing big, but we should make it.
    Bah! I'll just have to message you when I see you online. ;D Or vice versa.
    I'm good thanks dude; glad to see you're finally around. :) Hopefully you stay. ;)
    Indeed. :( When do you usually come online?
    Well, you say that...
    Hey mate; how are you?Need to play DOTA2 again sometime; I promise I've gotten better. ;)
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