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  • *sniff*
    It's okay.
    I don't mind really.
    I'm good thank you. :D Enjoying your time here? Been up to much recently?
    I'm really sorry about calling you ma'am, if that disturbed you. I belong to a different background and I could easily get confused about what would sound mean or inappropriate. So I truely didn't mean to sound like that. Please if only you would guide me as what to call you, that would be really nice and helpful of you.. Your name, I suggest?

    Anyway, I'm really sorry to hear about your state. I don't know anything about you yet, but from the very little that you said I can feel that you seem to be a good, caring, smart and loving mom, and if I were your son, I surely would have been proud of you somehow, because I personally respect that very much.

    I really hope we will get to be friends, because I'm getting to like and respect you quite much.
    Hey there ma'am, I hope you are doing well.
    I know it has been a while since you have joined us, but I'd like to welcome you to our community as a start for the conversation.
    I'm really glad we have a mature adult among us. I just hope it's not being boring and lonely for you around here, and I hope that you will stick around.
    lol this might sound weird, but I have it in me that I love to communicate with older people, and you really look like a nice person and you seem to be as smooth as your username, haha.
    I hope we will have the chance to get to know each other more.

    May you have a bright day. :)
    Hey, how are you? So you support guns and are an opinionated person, sounds like you're a fun person to talk to haha.
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