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  • Hey you! Yep that was me over at Target. And THANK YOU for the hint to go clothes shopping there - I am the proud owner of 14 new tank tops & 4 new shirts .... all for NOTHING. :)
    Hi--yeah Peru has been kind of empty for me lately. I saw someone buying all "our" stuff but she only had one set, so not really a shelf-clearer. It could just be lots of different people doing one or two. Who knows? I just have to stay one step ahead. There is no way in heck I would drive from B-N to Peru for Jewel, do you know how much gas money, and the store is so small, they must have been desperate.

    I haven't seen you on here much--maybe there is so many posts that I am just missing yours.

    I hope you are cleaning up!!
    Hey Misty said you were mentioning how cleared out Peru was. I told her that while I was there last weekend grabbing up some of the hot pockets that there was a lady and her teenage daughter that said they were in Peru since Bloomington wasn't participating in YB. I told her I read that all Jewels were since like the day before or something. So maybe that is why Peru was so dry, people from the Bloomington area didn't realize their stores are were now particpating. Hmmm...
    Hey you, do you need some of the Blink coupons? I have tons and am only going to grab another box or two... Let me know I can run them down to you!!
    Thank you so much. It was a pretty horrible accident. He was going under a viaduct going eastbound and a semi truck was going westbound. Ice and snow blew off the top of the truck and a HUGE piece went through his windshield striking him in the face. We are truly greatful he is alive. Now if he will regain his sight over time we will be a lot more thankful I am sure. Thank you again for your kind words.
    Yes your correct. I am starting to realize I am way excited and need to settle down a bit... LOL! Hey do you have an email addy? We can communicate there a little bit better. Keep forgetting to go back to your profile page to see if there are messages. LOL!
    Yeah, after a while you learn that you don't need so much toothpaste/razors/shampoo. I'm on the only take it if they pay you plan. But at first it's so exciting to get the stuff that you used to pay for.
    I have also started a blog you should take a peek...

    Not much yet but I am getting there. I plan on donating any stuff I don't use to the women's home here in town. Well of course I will offer it to my family first. My teacher gift, and Caleb's class gifts for Christmas are done! LOL! The kids in his class are all getting a box of band aids, a pencil and a toothbrush in a nice little christmas bag.

    I need a GOOD FOOD sale soon! I have enough health and beauty to last us a year.
    Our Wags is not the best, never has been, so I don't really blame you. It's just a joke, whenever they're out of something I say you got the last one. There hasn't been anything worth going out of town for lately, we're due for something!!
    LOL I am careful not to clear out the local WAGS... I hit 5 Wags between here and my office in Plainfield. I promise I won't do that to you! Gotta tell me when your going shopping would love to tag along and learn from a pro!!!
    Of course that's me, not to many Siobhans in the Ottawa area. Misty told me you're cleaning out my WGs...I was going to send you a message, but I didn't know how. Look at you all fancy w/ your picture on and all. :)
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