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  • Read your Life Goal and couldn't agree with you more. Owning a Jackdaw would be awesome! but you'd have to check if it's legal owning a wild bird.. eh, you know how litigious this country is! I have a tame tawny who I call Ollie :D I feed him bits of raw meat about an inch, no more. Just 2 or 3 pieces from a well gloved hand. Foundry, thick suade gloves to protect my hand. Biriding has long been my hobby, I learnt to serenade owls, calling them when I was lonely. It's alovely hobby, so add it to your Life Goals! Btw, it's illegal to keep a wild owl so I just let Ollie visit whenever he wants. That way I don't break the friggin' law.

    Cheery-O! :)
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