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  • Cool....thanks for letting me know! Aki and I were looking for some at the countryside store and we found one:(
    Do you have some? I have a bunch if you need them.
    I used them at the LaGrange Park Jewel. She looked at them for a long time and asked me a million question, but she put it through. I was thinking of trying Westchester too. :)
    Yeah...thanks for the tip! I'm a little nervous about using them so if you do at the La Grange store let me know if it goes smoothly! Those wound go well with the Fav4!!
    Thanks for the heads up about the WT, we always say we never see them in our area. :)
    That is so funny that you met Miss Piggy out in the trenches! Are you thinking about meeting everyone in Gurnee? Miss Piggy's sis (Aki aka Alicia) and I are planning on going. I'm going to try and leave my youngest (6) home and just take my oldest. They have had toooo much togetherness this summer. LOL! How old are your kids?

    I've been couponing like this since May. I have already built up a pretty good stockpile. I have also been able to donate to a local food pantry. It is actually run through a nun from my sons school (St Barbara). It is only open on Mondays (heading there tomorrow) and it's on 47th St right before East Ave by Joes Saloon. I can give you the exact address if you want.

    Can't wait to see what is included in this next sale. Still have a lot from the last one so I might not go too crazy! Maybe just focus on MM. We'll see!
    Heck YES I been shopping.... so that same Jewel we met @ was the same Jewel I stared ou tthe window @ when I was in the hospital! LOL :D Can you say TORTURE!!! How are your deals going for you..... as a felllow newb to the couponing world I am struggling but get better and learn day by day! Hope all is well!
    I was just kidding about the dr pepper, I actually stopped at a store near work and met MsPiggy there - small world! I sent my mom to the store locally and she said they were cleared out!
    I did ok today - All was cleared out at the LaGrange Park store but I found a lot at the store on Plainfield Rd (not sure which town it is really in). Also, found the Dove and the Q-Tips at the store in Westchester. So many more to get but with 2 little ones along for the ride it is not easy. These come so quickly, I can't even use this stuff this fast - do you know a good local place to donate? Have you been doing this long? So new to posting, I am not even sure if you will get this message! How did you do today?
    Hi! Just wondering how you did today on the deals? There were a bunch of ladies (I think 6) that were all together at the LaGrange Jewel doing deals while Aki and I were there. So don't think it was me clearing the shelves! LOL

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