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  • Hi there! Did my AS Level in Biology and Chemistry last week and think it went really well and I felt satisfied I'd done a good job. Did maths the other day, rather a weak subject but who knows? Might have just scraped a pass. This morning I did English Literature. The exam paper was a breeze! I finished in just under 2 hours and sailed off out of it. No more exams now til next week when I only have one. Then it's feet up and hoping for some summer sunshine.

    My summer plans? We're going on another cruise to the Med. Went last year, similar voyage to Venice. It was amaaazing! :D have you ever seen Venice? Mum posted some pics on 321 - OMG! 1,005 Views haha! She must be famous by now LMAO!

    I've not long been home and came in to see the wood stove lit and the kettle on for tea. Nice talking to you again. :)
    Had a maths exam today which, errm, I think I might have just scraped a pass. :eek: Not sure about the Scottish education system, though The Student Room forum is pretty hot to trot for education and exam quals info if you're interested.

    Mum's been a grumpy bum all day, but I cheered her up no end with some homemade choccy truffles which she saw most off. XD Lately its been a bit like Tom&Gerry with her and me. Last week I was just about to go out wearing my best top and she decided to vom all over it. I take the rough with the smooth, one has to haha.

    Hows your weather been up there? Down south here last weekend was wonderful!

    Oh and just adding: Fiona is a real dear :D
    Mum Rachel adopted another girl called Fiona. You might have heard of her? She's younger than me but about a year. I don't know about the other forum because Rachel never said. But I am very close to her. She's helped me through some terrible times. Because I am studying medicine and advanced Biology whose AS Level exam I took last week, I am au fait with the clinical aspects of her cancer. It doesn't make helping her any easier. I'm quite resilient to being embarrassed. I think its awesome she asked me to join Kirk's forum. I don't tread on her toes here. She posts as she wants, just like I do.

    We live in West Sussex. I love walking and Fiona accompanies me. We have someone to watch over us whenever we're out. Its a good feeling. :)
    I live very close to the beach, and have a dog which really is my sister's. Its a spaniel called Jack which I think my mum Rachel posted pics of here. The only thing I dislike about beaches is the shingle. Its so laborious climbing it, but eventually we get to reach the top. Bit like life, really. :D

    All this week I'm doing exams, finishing at the end of the month when I can be here more often. I love the forum. Everyone is so friendly including you.

    *I read you're feeling anxious. Is there anything I can help you with? :)
    About your dieting thread, start with walking. Walking exercises all parts of our bodies and does it in such a gentle way when we find our own speed. Pack a picnic of salad leaves, some nice grilled chicken and take a banana. Bananas contain lots of slow burn energy, and take a drink. Carry it in a rucsac and find a nice park to walk around. And that is the start of good exercising that will make you feel happy on returning home. :)

    Dieting is about sensible eating. Check the sugar and fat content of the product you're buying and try and keep within your GDA. Walking burns off calories. Its such a pleasant way to start a healthier lifestyle without the hard boiled approach exercise fanatics so bore us with these days. :)
    Exams seem a lot harder than when I was in school. Then again, I never cared much for 'em, so that's probably why. XD
    Not really. Working and seeing Lauren mostly. :p
    What will you be doing your 10 days? :D
    Sorry if I upset/angered you in anyway. You and Michael are good friends of me and Lauren's and I wouldn't wish for our friendship to be broken.
    I'm pretty good thanks :) kind of confused as to why they deleted staff on the forum.. :/
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