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  • Oh, btw, why did you do 'visitor message' rather than PM? I hardly come to this site these days. Was on here yesterday checking the Jewel thread to see if they had a list posted for the upcoming ConAgra deal...but none.
    Hey! I was thinking about you! I didn't even know we had such a thing as a visitor message here, lol! Found any good tearpads lately? I haven't. (I guess given my last foray to find the one you ALREADY found for me doesn't give a lot of hope that I'd be spying the best ones!) I went to S&S in Saugus but didn't find a thing! Did you? I did the S&S P&G deal three times with good success. That's about it lately! I only have THREE lonely $2 Shaws cats at this point. Thanks for finding me here!
    I hope all is well! We'll have to meet up soon..Take care! :)
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