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  • Hi prd2frm! I too have been bouncing around the idea of ordering part of a cow and I am really glad you posted this information. I have never done this before and I am not familiar with the logistics. How much freezer space would I need and do we choose which parts of the cow would we get? TIA!!!
    Thanks for the quick response! We have been going back and forth for about 3 months trying to decide if this is the way we should go. I had read that your beef is hay/grain fed vs grass fed, is that correct? Does the grain have a high pesticide load? Also, just to verify, no growth hormones are used? Do you use antibiotics? We try to use organic when possible but due to the cost it is not always an option therefore we do like to try to at least have hormone free beef. Let me talk it over with DH and see if our friends are "on board" for an 1/8. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, I really appreciate it!
    Hi prd2frm, I saw your posts regarding beef and was wondering, do you have a website for more info? You can PM me if you prefer. We have been looking into our options for buying a portion of a cow. Do you/would you sell 1/8? Thanks in advance!
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