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  • LOL! Yes, LOVED those Wheaties!

    I met Jennifer IRL too -- she was pretty excited to actually meet someone who knew her blog! :)
    do they have the sunday paper after sunday at the Dollar Tree? I think they do at Walmart, and also sell it for $1, but I've only heard, not tried or looked into it. So, you can just order inserts??? I'd love some info on that if you find anything out! I know the inserts vary a ton by region, and that us IA/IL folks seem to get the shaft, but Jenn1971 had posted that she got free OM bologna and HBO/Post cereal, but I didn't get those coupons in the QCTimes... just wondered if the coupons vary from RI Dispach vs. QC Times? And if you subscribe to an out-of-town paper if you get the ads/coupon inserts?? Thanks so much for your response, and welcome back from FL!!!
    Hi there,
    For coupons here in the area I just purchase 4 or 5 copies of the Times at the Dollar Tree. Each copy is only $1. If you checked out my blog today you will see a post that I wrote on coupon inserts and how they vary so much.
    I have never ordered inserts before. I should check into it.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I agree, we should all get together sometime. I would love to share coupons, ideas, etc.
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