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  • Hey!

    On your relationship thread I posted a reply, but put Mark's surname there and I shouldn't have. He's cool that I shared, but not his surname and I can't edit the post now, so can you do it for me please? Take his surname off? :o
    Thanks Lauren, but mum is going to the hospice this week. Its called respite care. I'm one of her carers, but got exams until Friday. I called her Macmillan nurse who called our doctor and he's referred mum to go as soon as possible. This evening there will be a space.
    Mum says happy bank holiday weekend! She's not long woken and I got to get her up, but she's a grumpybum in the mornings. O.O
    Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! Hope it stays nice for you and Kirk. :)
    Wish him well from me, will you?

    hey! 8D i've had my eye on confab-it for a while now and i've decided to finally join! woooo n___n
    Of course not. Thats why I prefer Morrison's. All the nicer there and cheaper, too.
    My Landy has the turning circle of a jumbo jet. My :obad, really.
    Time for a rest now. Gannet needs to roost.
    Haha, thought you'd like it. My 'wagon you'll see, needs a new fender. It fell off a couple of days ago after I tried argueing with Sainsbury's steel barrier. :o
    Welcome aboard the ~

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    I honestly think teaching is a gift, so go for a degree if you can!
    If your fiction writing is good, you could approach Amazon Kindle and ask if they're interested. They already have thousands of debut authors whose work is being read by their Kindle owners (including me), so why not? It's an avenue to try. Or how about joining a writing community such as Mibba? Sorry for delaying reply but I'm posting pictures (photobucket links) of Fiona's dog Jack.
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