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  • I'll see you guys when I get back from respite care, or later after my family vacation. Look after yourselves and enjoy a good time on the forum!

    I'm liking it a lot, actually.
    I spend more time here than any other forum that I've been a part of. :) I love the community here.
    What about you? What do you think of the forum?
    You're welcome. :D
    What! D: That's awful! I was wondering why you left, but I didn't know it had gone down like that. :(
    The 'other place' hasn't been a whole lot of fun since you left. It seems like a lot of people are leaving the 'other place', you know.

    I'm glad you think it's nicer here. I like to community here, it's smaller so it's easier to get to know people it seems. I can't wait to see how this forum will be like in a few months. :)
    Thanks for that! I'll keep it in mind :) I'm very hesitant about posting my works online though due to theft :(
    Thank you! Honestly, I've always wanted to use my writing in some way but I don't really want to go for journalism as I really love writing fiction. Ideally, I'd love to be an author. For now I'm aspiring to be an English teacher :)
    Well, I am Rita Daniela so i am 2x lovely XD
    I left in 2010 so that's probably why you dont remember me
    Well, I am Rita Daniela So.... I am 2x lovely ahahahha
    I left in 2010 so...
    CnS was my first attempt at making a forum; we shut down about a year ago, so I'm afraid I can't give you a link. :p
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