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  • Aww hope you get better.

    Yeah he's so amazing, I loved his tv show thing also. I wish I could meet him. <333
    Yayyy, I love Still Game, Chewing the fat and Limmy's Show. ^^ I also like the comedian Kevin Bridges, I think he's hilarious.
    Yeah me too, it's a nice place. When I get older and leave school I'm planning to move to Glasgow, hate where I currently live. It's too small and nothing to do over here.
    Omg really? Glasgow isn't too far from me, I live at the port glasgow/greenock end haha. I love going to Glasgow, it's so much bigger than were I live.
    Yeh, lots of people in my school take drugs but some of them are nice people haha.
    Me too, I stick my hoodie on and take my music everywhere. I have anxiety too, it majorly sucks.
    I live west-ish, what about you?
    Hahah, most of my friends would love to grow their own drugs. Fortunately, those that smoke weed are actually pretty pleasant. It's the people who take the other stuff, or can't handle their drink that concern me. In fact, apparently one boy that took some pills died a few nights that a lot of my friends knew. It's enough to put me off taking that stuff. >_>
    As for the weather - I'm actually okay with it. I love going out with my hoodie up, and listening to some calming music. ^^

    Whereabouts in Scotland are you from?
    True dat, there's a lot of idiots over here.
    Yeah, it's alright but I hate my neighbourhood! So many neds and drug addicts, one lives up stairs from me and tries to grow drugs and parties every night. I honestly hate him haha, I also hate the weather but apart from that I think it's alright here.
    Hey! Do you like it here in Scotland? I don't find a lot of Scottish people on the net, haha.
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