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  1. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Oops, skipped a couple: 2) HUGE difference. 3) Not even close. I brought up the need to bring in a huge amount of product ( Because it IS finite- unless SC figures out a way to make them here with full licensing) to...
  2. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads The above quote was not the one in question. The quote above was MUCH earlier, taken out of context, and was actually in regard to discs manufactured here. Taken from a completely different and much earlier post than the one in question...
  3. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Yup, this thread has certainly been hijacked to the icky side. To jump back on track, I will repeat: While the karaoke mfrs. may not have any problem with someone using their downloads to run a show ( and why would they?) they simply do not have the LEGAL authority to authorize...
  4. J

    Clarification- For Whom The Post Tolls....

    Once again, I thank you for your kind words. However, I would like to add that I DID request an e-mail address that you would reply to, and I did post the 9 tracks on the list that I own several times. Not pushing that issue on this thread though. Just dealing with the OP. Either way, I...
  5. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Um, the above was in answer to a supposition/hypothotheses that I made up based on the untrue premise that altered product is still OEM original. I was creating an example. It wasn't important. However, if your hook is...
  6. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads 1) It's still there- go read it. 2) With all due respect, I'm not responsible for others' interpretations of what I write. I will say that in normal usage, a question mark DOES indicate question. . However, I recently posted a...
  7. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads This line is relevant to ALL debates in ANY forum. If one doesn't believe what another is saying, one should DO THE WORK, research, and find out for one's self. One won't believe what their debating adversary says or posts no matter what...
  8. J

    Clarification- For Whom The Post Tolls....

    Actually, my OP was just what it was supposed to be- a clarification. Not an apology for anything misunderstood by others. No one requested it, but I felt like posting it. I expected maybe a few "I get it"s and some "You're full of it"s as well. Of course I see the "You're full of...
  9. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Just tossing this in: If the mfrs. cannot prove U.S. licensing, then they ALSO have no legal standing ( in the U.S) on the Trademark issue. Not directed at the mfrs., but KJs who don't know this....
  10. J

    Clarification- For Whom The Post Tolls....

    I have come to understand that many seem to think that a lot of my posts were directed where they were not, and some have begun mixing my posts up with others. I have been getting PMs and e-mails that indicate this, so: Sound Choice: Yes, I have some issues with them, but not so many...
  11. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    The statement above is false on many levels. First, and most importantly, my post about marketing and selling in the U.S. was in parentheses and ended in a question mark. The reason for that was that it was a "what if" post, in regard to information ( new to me) about the import...
  12. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Ok, we have a misunderstanding here. The part of what I posted in regard to ripping legally owned discs was in the context of a supposition, and part seems to have caused an interspersement of "legal use" versus "ownership responsibility" I will try to clarify. Keep in mind that I...
  13. J

    Full Moon! Really???

    Hold on there- I just did a batch in prep for spring.....
  14. J

    Hello...anybody out there?

    Hey now... I'm just saying that a dog, at the vey least, should be larger than my cat.....:winkpill: Jokes aside, I know that there are different breeds variations of the breed. Some have full coats, are more solidly built, and have easygoing laid back attitudes- and I kind of like them...
  15. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    OK, let's go all the way through this as if I was completely wrong: Downloads: Multiple copies from a single source. Let's say I'm wrong, alterations don't count, and the download is still manufacturer's original product. Multiple downlods from a single source are still mfrs. original...
  16. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Nah. You do the research, and then you will KNOW. Anything I post will be argued.... Or better yet, prove a negative by proving me wrong..:winkpill: Actually, what I'm getting at this point is that people who use downloads and such will never stop arguing because that's the format on...
  17. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    I completely agree, and never said it was. I just said AGAIN: Once shifted, it is no longer the manufacturer's original product. As a matter of fact, both CB and SC agree with MY statement, which is why and how they are using a PC generated logo as their hook for Trademark Infringement.. If...
  18. J

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Disagree on the Audio 2000.......
  19. J

    Hello...anybody out there?

    Nope. Done both, and the Pit wins- though the ungrateful beast DOES hog the bed..... BTW- The Chihuahua was a lady friend's- If I had one of my own I would have to spend my days in the Sears tool department just to re-build my testosterone levels....
  20. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    So, how's life treatin' ya these days? We had some nice weather here in NJ for a change. How is it in your area?