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  1. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Thanks. I brought this up myself, for a different reason, but true.
  2. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    I deleted the rest of your post, because the statement above negated it, and helps validate what I said, because this is exactly what is happening. Both you and SC, right?
  3. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Please re-read my post- I never brought up violations at all. All I said was that altering the product makes it the KJs property, as it is no longer the original mfrs. product. Media shifting is certainly still a gray area- as I have also posted- but responsibility for one's products is...
  4. J

    Hello...anybody out there?

    Well, if we are an example, maybe others not posting was a good idea! :laughpill::rolleyespill:
  5. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    It would, but the transfer process negates it. Remember what I posted in regards to what it entails. Upload through a media ( Fiber optic, or , cable, or dial up, or wireless) that offers many variables, then download through media with the same variable, by an amateur, no QC, onto a consumer...
  6. J

    Hello...anybody out there?

    Well, here's one for you. Last night was a record ring in that establishment. Tonight sucked so bad that I now understand "He giveth, and he taketh away". I mean, fantastic weather, a full moon, and crapola? WTF?
  7. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    1) I posted that SC has no U.S. licensing, and that Kurt himself has posted the same. No U.S. licensing. What's the argument? 2) I posted that Ripping CD+Gs to MP3s alters the product. Two completely different types of files. What's the argument? ( BTW- the validity software...
  8. J

    I'm The Greatest....Well, Kinda...

    I broke the ring record for a venue that has been in business for 28 years tonight! Now here comes the "kinda". I can claim credit for making this place "the place to be" on Wednesday nights in my area, which is cool. However, my daughter predicted a record night in advance. We have been...
  9. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    You either diidn't read my post, or didn't care. All good. No effect on me.
  10. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    1) They are unlicensed here, per Kurt Slep, CEO of Sound Choice. They are only licensed in the UK, for manufacturing purposes.
  11. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    1) Incorrect, and I don't know why you made that assumption. I said that I have an EE and ET, which apply to ALL areas of electronics. As a matter of fact, my specialty is video imaging, and I am a co-inventer of the AIM ( Automatic Interlace Module) circuit. Originally used in medical...
  12. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    1) Correct as stated, but that's not what we were talking about. 2) I never said they can't put it there, but if the publishers wish to sue them for doing so, they can, they will, they have, and they won, though the wins were based on copyright infringement. What I have said...
  13. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Sorry, but NO on two counts: 1) DJ performances, and KJ shows where lyrics are displayed in sync to the music are two completely different things. 2) Digital copies more accurate than analogue? I'm an EE and ET, and this is COMPLETELY wrong.: Most complete audio range: Vinyl...
  14. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Believe it or not, NOT ME. Just saying that both are equally unlicensed. The difference is that: 1) SC actually has the nerve to demand a licensing fee for product that they have no right to produce or sell here, and on top of that, some KJ's actually think that this is OK. 2) SC is...
  15. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Zoom DISCS don't differ at all- no U.S. licensing. But again, if you are disc based, the responsibility is on the mfr.- if you download or rip, they are altered, not manufacturer's product, and your problem.
  16. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Good question, but not accurate. 1) as far as being paid for: If you are using original discs in your show, the responsibility is on the manufacturer's shoulders. If you are using altered ( ripped or downloaded files) then the respnsibility is on YOUR shoulders, because they are YOUR...
  17. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    You guys missed 2 points: One, posted elswhere, we agree on, sort of. When it comes to involvement of the publishers/owners of the music, even original disc based hosts may run into problems- we may even get hit witha Cease and Desist. However, most of the legal responsibilities of those...
  18. J

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    They never did anything tht would lead me to believe that they WOULD take action. The thing is, while a karaoke producer may tell you that THEY won't bother you, they have no authority to write law. So far ( though I hear rumors of change in the offing), the U.S. has drafted no license of...
  19. J

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    That's fine. I was speaking in regard to my personal set of ethics, not a law or someone else's rule. I've have worked long and hard over a lifetime for financial independance ( "FU money") and to make me the type of person I am today, which includes living by my own rules and ethics.. No...
  20. J

    KIAA relaunching. - video of presentation at Mobile Beat DJ show in Vegas

    First, I would have to say that Eric's information as a KIAA "insider" matches and validates my own research. PRO: 1) Reading his post, I think he stating what he thinks may be helpful, without dwelling on the legality- so I would disagree simply because there are different...