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  1. Siddharth

    Home Alone 2

    I liked both 1 and 2........
  2. Siddharth

    Christmas is all about?

    I am not a Christian, but from what i understand every festival is of joy and celebration. Festivals and Celebrations are meant to bond people together and breed humanity and love among people and to bring back your inner child.........
  3. Siddharth

    EA rules in sports

    Yeah! EA rulez with sports games and it is because they constantly right their wrongs and try to give something new every year.............
  4. Siddharth

    Full or half or none

    Will eat full during breakfast (or) lunch and half for dinner.........
  5. Siddharth

    Nativity 2

    Same here.......
  6. Siddharth

    What is yur favorite Music Video?

    I like Jon McLaughlin's So Close......... A good song which soothes you :wink:
  7. Siddharth

    Pasta or Noodles?

    Pasta for sure, the creaminess and flavor......... Can't beat a good pasta
  8. Siddharth

    Heavy metal played with help of drugs

    Not every single heavy metal band does that, but it is somewhat true as some old time greats have actually admitted to the same..........
  9. Siddharth

    What is life all about

    I don't know when we start to die and frankly i don't care about it, because every breathe that you take could be your last one. All I care about is that before I die I should have influenced the choices of at least a few people, because I think every one of us is destined for something big or...
  10. Siddharth


    Yeah! Great film with a great concept. It bonds you with your family.............
  11. Siddharth

    How many phones do you have?

    Have 1 and using the same......
  12. Siddharth

    Symbian or Android?

    Android it is, I haven't used a symbian OS extensively.....
  13. Siddharth

    Do you believe in the Doomsday Prophecy ?

    Lets wait and watch....................
  14. Siddharth

    Is it necessary to own a High cost gadget

    Anything which makes Life easier is good..... But we should not depend on it too much...........
  15. Siddharth

    Angry Birds Starwars.....

    A new game called angry birds star wars, just Google it......
  16. Siddharth

    Like to read books on?

    Same here......
  17. Siddharth

    Harry Potter Movies?

    I liked them very much..... I thought the whole movie series was ended very well.
  18. Siddharth

    Angry Birds Starwars.....

    The new Angry Birds game is very good and it incorporates most of the star wars storyline and the characters in it........... Should try guys.... :thumb:
  19. Siddharth


    Thanks for sharing the videos Bapun Raz........ Ya M passed away and there is a different moneypenny as well...........
  20. Siddharth

    Wreck-It Ralph

    The movie was wonderful in its own way. The dialogues were also good for an animation movie. The lead lady Venolope Von Schultz was a very good character.