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  1. Siddharth

    Music or Lyrics

    Music and Lyrics.
  2. Siddharth

    Do you watch japanese animes ?

    RE: Do you watch japanese anime ? I think i saw a few eps of Dt. Conan
  3. Siddharth

    Have you experienced a Deja Vu ?

    Yes Jason, i personally think that we would have experienced the same situation in our dreams.
  4. Siddharth

    Do you watch japanese animes ?

    Samurai X......... a great show.
  5. Siddharth

    First day show

    I usually get the feel of a movie and see it in a week or so.......
  6. Siddharth

    Do you think the Dark Knight Rises lived up to the expectations ?

    Cool then, i hope you liked Bane and the scenes in the pit.
  7. Siddharth

    Have you experienced a Deja Vu ?

    Have you at any point in your life, like travelling to a new place (or) during a conversation, felt that you have experienced the same before somewhere.... I have experienced this on more than one occasions, have you ? :scared:
  8. Siddharth

    Do you watch japanese animes ?

    I watch animes a lot and my fav are Rouroni Kenshin, Death Note and Detective School Q. What are yours?
  9. Siddharth

    Right Bond

    Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. They both played bond in different times and got the same recognition.
  10. Siddharth

    Explicit scenes

    Some movies do need those explicit scenes for the storyline. Take a movie like Shame for instance, the story is based on such scenes, but horror movies and B - grade movies actually do not need those scenes,
  11. Siddharth

    Do you think you are an internet addict ?

    I recently studied this article from the web, which stated that the number of internet addicts are growing over the world and since i am a curious cat, I just went and saw the symptoms of Internet Addiction ( Which is shared below:) Here is what to look for (3-4 yes responses suggest abuse...
  12. Siddharth

    Toughest game

    Yes, Jason, anything (or) everything in this world can be perfected by practice and knowledge about the same.
  13. Siddharth

    Do you think the Dark Knight Rises lived up to the expectations ?

    Even though there was some epic acting, cinematography and soundtrack, i thought that there was something missing from the Epic Movie. Even then, it was an epic conclusion to the epic series...... What are your thoughts. :vampire:
  14. Siddharth

    Animation industry going down

    S dude.
  15. Siddharth

    Best Villain

    I like bane.
  16. Siddharth

    Mcdonalds vs BK

    K understand, Cool..........
  17. Siddharth

    Most liked number

    Fav no is 11
  18. Siddharth

    The rock song that you like most ?

    I like Highway to Hell, 21 Guns, Don't Stop Believing and We built this City Tel me yours, guys.... :headphones: