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  1. L

    The Official Hello/Goodbye

    YeeHaa! Sunshine in Holland at last I'm going for a coldie and a toke on the terrace, listening to Planet Rock (
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    What's the weather like for you?

    Vicious thundery showers mean we'll be shooting indoors again tonight.
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    The Official Hello/Goodbye

    Weird! It's morning for you but evening for me. ...A ClubNight Friday evening at that!
  4. L

    The Official Hello/Goodbye

    Hi All I'm all hot & sweaty from doing the final preparations on the outdoor range, weather permitting it will be used for compo on Friday night. ...I really hope so 'coz I don't have enough printer ink left to do a full set (10) of targets for the indoor range too Here's a quick...
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    Hi From Rule

    Hi & Welcome from "The other side of the pond" too, Rule. Hope you have a great time here
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    Be A Ghost

    Only a week? Ahh, well! I'll spend it at the Vatican, making life REAL uncomfortable for that protector of child mollestors occupying St Peter's throne.
  7. L


    Welcome & Hello from the "civilised side of the pond" too.
  8. L

    What's Your Hobby?

    Superbikes, Blowpipes & partying/gigging. - For deffo no Bieber! The last gig I saw was just over a week ago, the truly excellent Norwegian Power-Prog outfit "Pagans' Mind".
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    I have all of it on my HD I found it hard to 'get into' when it was first broadcast, Jim Henson's style was very different to what I was used to (Star Trek, Blakes 7 etc) but it grew on me. Shame the network ****ed up the ending though!
  10. L

    What makes your forum so special?

    There are only 2 blowpipe(gun) fora in the entire English-speaking world, I have the one that is graphically & technically superior, and a damned sight more fun. Unfortunately the other has 12 times as many members as SBI - but they've been in existence for 4 years. ...I'm working on it!
  11. L

    Official "farewell To Fallen Felines" Thread

    LEWIS 29th March 2010 - 16th (?) May 2011 . . . . . KHAN 29th March 2010 - 28 May 2011
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    Official "farewell To Fallen Felines" Thread

    I was awakened about 11.30 am (we didn't finish shooting until after 5 am) by my mobile, the phonecall that no-one ever wants to get, the one that tells you your life has just been thrown a curve-ball. Khan had been crossing the main bridge over the river Zaan, about ½ mile North of here...
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    Official "farewell To Fallen Felines" Thread

    Sad, sad times. For the 2nd time in a fortnight I've had to say a final farewell to a beloved feline companion. Both "my boys" are gone now. I don't, I can't "know" how much Pixel (MommaCat) understands, but she's hardly left my side all day. Curled up on the bed behind me right now in...
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    Where are you from?

    Born & raised in & around the beautiful English Lake District but now living & working close to Amsterdam. I miss the geography!
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    Do you have any pets?

    I'm owned by three felines... Momma-Cat is 'Pixel', 3 years old and a proficient bird-taker. Her sons Lewis & Khan have just had their 1st birthday. Here they are... Lewis is the skinny runt with the white underside.
  16. L

    Black Ops

    I play on the PC in SP mode from time to time, when I really need an adreneline rush. I find it too linear & too thrashy most of the time, I prefer the laid-back, open feel of Far Cry 2 when I do manage to set aside some gaming time. It does look & feel great though! Glad I have a 'puter...
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    What're you listening to?

    The award-winning "Planet Rock" on Freesat channel 703, sometimes online when I want it LOUD (PC has Logitech 550w 5.1 system, room is 3m x 3.5m) Like right now! They just played 'Come follow me' by The Answer, now playing 'Trashed' by Black Sabbath.
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    TV Size?

    32" Samsung HDTV next to a 23" Samsung monitor, an armslength in front of me so they are pretty huge from where I sit. The 32" is my 2nd monitor, I use it for gaming & streaming sports.
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    Post your picture

    Sorry, I'm going to cheat a bit This WAS me, at my prime, about 18 years ago... But it's not totally cheating 'coz I already posted a very recent piccie in my Site Promotion thread.
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    Forum Turbo