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  1. D

    i can be tried for felonies now!

    Happy Birthday
  2. D

    Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

    This or That? (Part Deux) I'd say bad! I wouldn't like to be eaten by anything. but certainly not anything with that description. Too hot or too cold?
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    Big lunchtime scare

    I've melted the plastic handles of various kitchen utensils
  4. D

    i went to burger king yesterday

    Aha. So I'm not the only one who craves bad food I get cravings for pizzas from the local place here and I SWEAR they are the grossest things I have ever eaten. I'm mental
  5. D

    i went to burger king yesterday

    Ohh, I agree totally. McD's is much better all round imho. Still, I try to avoid eating at places like that
  6. D

    i went to burger king yesterday

    Strange, that. I hate those cheeseburgers but I get one everytime I go to burger king, which used to be quite often. but not anymore thank god
  7. D


    cut up hardboiled egg diced cucumber! rice kidney beans I should get my sister to post on here she knows EVERYTHING about making salads and stuff
  8. D

    Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

    This or That? (Part Deux) with although both suck CDs or Mp3s? sorry if that's been done already.. I couldn't be bothered to read all 12 pages!
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    That Sponge Pudding Recipe

    Caster Sugar is really fine, white sugar. It's not icing sugar though.. and it's not the sugar you'd put on your cereal or in your tea. It's the sugar you'd use to make a cake with.
  10. D

    That Sponge Pudding Recipe

    Right, here it is. Enjoy And if it doesn't work. Blame your oven. not me! I'm giving you all the measurements in Oz. Smiss assures me that you'll be able to convert them to whatever it is you foreigners use Ingredients: 6oz Butter or Margarine 60z Caster sugar 7 1/2 oz Self Raising flour 3 oz...
  11. D

    Did everyone stop eating?

    Chocolate chip sponge pudding You can't beat it for a pudding. do you guys have sponge puddings over in america because the guy my dad works with who's american said he'd never heard of them. and when he started eating it he kept wanting more. mwahaha.
  12. D

    What band do you really like, inexplicably?

    I tooootally addooore a band called The 3rd and the Mortal. They're so dark, and weird and good and wow.. yeah
  13. D

    My solo project!

    Thanks! Hehe, if you know anyone else who might like it.. please suggest it to them doomie
  14. D

    Favorite UK Artist/Group

    Mine would have to be a band called Anathema. And whoever it was who was asking for UK bands to hear.. if you like pink floyd you should definitely check them out. They basically are pink floyd.. just a bit heavier in parts. well, provided you hear the right albums that is which are "Eternity...
  15. D

    My solo project!

    I don't know if I should really be posting this.. I feel really naughty doing so. But, I've got this atmospheric, ambient project and if any of you are interested: There's 2 dance remixes too including the classic "bloody hell mix"! cheers doomie
  16. D

    Creepy Ghost site

    I got sent this link by someone.. It has some samples of ghosts recorded on the special ghost recording machines. I don't know if they're true or not and sometimes it's hard to work out how they decided the ghost was saying "help me" or whatever, when it just sounds like...
  17. D

    Happy Birthday Hermie!

    Haaaappy birthday! Hope you're having a fun day and everything. yeehaaa mine tomorrow
  18. D

    Your Fav'ie Comic Book ???

    Well, when I was a kid I read the Asterix comics all the time. I hardly read anything else for about 3 years. I discovered the Sandman comics a few months ago and I loove them. They're so **** weird and dark.
  19. D

    Pizza Hut

    Oh well, actually.. Nothing beats a real italian pizza from a proper italian restaurant (not a take away). They are infinitely better than any take away place. raawwrr.. I was all ready to go to the local italian restaurant for my birthday and stuff my face with their divine pizzas. haha...
  20. D

    Pizza Hut

    Hmm, pizza hut in england must be different. It doesn't seem that greasy to me!