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  1. Clash

    Facebook Dislike Button Scam Gets More Sophisticated [WARNING]

    Surprisingly, I've never came across that scam.
  2. Clash

    Do you make friends easily?

    I actually do make friends pretty easily. All I do is just go up to them and talk to them for a while, and then it becomes a habit, and you're always talking to each other.. :D
  3. Clash

    Who here likes ONE PIECE?!

    I love One Piece. BEST MANGA and ANIME ever!
  4. Clash

    Whats your favorite Country?

    USA = WIN
  5. Clash

    Are you a smoker?

    How did you get into smoking anyways?
  6. Clash

    Rise Against

    I've always been a fan of Rise Against. My favorite song is Prayer of the Refugee.
  7. Clash

    The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

    Good. How 'bout you?
  8. Clash

    Post up your Desktops

    Thanks. I like One Piece.
  9. Clash

    Post up your Desktops

    Here's mine:
  10. Clash

    Are you a Mac or PC?

    I would have to say Mac is the best for everything,except for the software that is Windows only. :mad:
  11. Clash

    What FTP do you use?

    Yeah, no competition here. :)
  12. Clash

    What FTP do you use?

    Filezilla all the way! Yeah, FileZilla is the only FTP program I've ever used in my life. :D
  13. Clash

    Thinking of moving to Firefox 4, its awesome!

    Is Firefox 4 really that fast? Faster than Google Chrome. I'm going to go download it right now. :)