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    The Official Alien Soup Arcade Thread

    Classic Games Best I think the old classic games like Berserk and Scramble and Rally X were the best games, they were pure gameplay and didn't need 3D to tell a story and provide excitement. Guys like that guy who did Missile Command and DeBabelizer have been forgotten but they were really...
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    Infrarat Check out my web page LINK REMOVEDit has lots of cool i-Zone pictures I took and comments on them, plus some games & stuff. Links to personal sites are not permitted. Please read the forum FAQ. - Diesel
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    Wallkill police sued for alleged stops for sex, dates

    Old Saying There's an old saying "Who watches the watchers?" that I think is very true and really should be looked at more by the media. I used to think that this was just a lot of hype but now I think it's real and someone should do something about it before it gets out of hand.
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    weird but strangely good!

    Food in SF There's a restaurant in San Francisco that has what I call Hong Kong bachelor food, it's open to 2am in the morning and they serve stuff like Spam and eggs and instant Ramen noodles with fried porkchops and other stuff that you would expect a bacheloer might have and cook for...
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    O-ops! One more holiday to drink beer!

    I was there I went to Russia once in 1989 and they had this brand of cigarettes there that commemorated the space flight, I think it was called Cosmonaut or Astro or Spuntnik or something like that, it was a big deal to the Russians but nobody from the US had ever heard of it before.
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    What do you all look like?

    Cool Looking Dudes Looks like a lot of cool looking dudes (and dudettes!) here, that's cool. I don't have a good photo of me or I would post it too so you can see what I look like. Guess you'll just have to use your imagination! lol :nod:
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    China Handing Out Free Condoms

    Way Ahead I think they're way ahead of us here in the US. Personally I don't see why everyone is making such a big fuss. People have their own preconceptions and I don't think people can often look beyond those own preconceptions to see what's behind them. :ohboy: