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  1. John15

    Thanks guys :) @seven, you should try reaching 100 :)

    Thanks guys :) @seven, you should try reaching 100 :)
  2. John15

    Yey, just reached 100 posts! Go me :)

    Yey, just reached 100 posts! Go me :)
  3. John15

    AdminBB is awesome no doubt!

    AdminBB is awesome no doubt!
  4. John15

    The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

    Just glad to live another day :P
  5. John15

    What browser suits you the best?

    Yea I have tried FF4, im not to fond of it. It's pretty slow for me.
  6. John15

    Breaking News: Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

    Im just happy the search for him now over. RIP all the innocent people that suffered.
  7. John15

    The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

    Happy Birthday Kaiser!!! :)
  8. John15

    What browser suits you the best?

    Chrome FTW! Haha I love Google Chrome :)
  9. John15

    Apple Sues Samsung over iPhone copy

    These lawsuits are always very time consuming, no one ever wins anyway... apple needs to act mature... samsung didnt copy them, apple is just jealous.
  10. John15

    Who still uses XP

    Im still on Windows XP, and I plan to buy a new PC running win7 next month. Hopefully.