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  1. P

    Last Thing You Purchased

    I had the iPad already and was very happy with it, not intending to buy the iPad 2. But my son wanted one so bad, that I gave it to him and bought the iPad 2. I don't see much difference at all, other than the camera I'll probably rarely use, and it is just a bit lighter-weight. Other than...
  2. P

    Last Thing You Purchased

    A case for my iPad 2
  3. P

    Word Connection

    About last night...
  4. P

    Winner.....Last post

    no no........ I am ahead now. That makes ME the winner.
  5. P

    Winner.....Last post

    nu uh. I always win.
  6. P

    Winner.....Last post

    I think not...
  7. P

    Which song is stuck in your head at this moment?

    Daddy Please Don't Cry sung by Elvis Presley. Came across a YouTube vid a few days ago where Lisa Marie Presley re-recorded it, making it a duet with her dad. It is beautiful and it's been in my mind ever since. Driving me mad, I tell ya.
  8. P

    Happy Birthday America!

    Thanks Dan that is my favorite patriotic song! Happy Birthday, USA, we love you!
  9. P

    New York City passes gay marriage!

    IMHO, anyone who carries a sign that says "God hates ****s" is not a Christian. God does not hate anyone, regardless of what they do or who they are. If these so-called Christians knew their Bible like they are supposed to, they would know this. Apparently, they have not. Secondly, these people...
  10. P

    New York City passes gay marriage!

    I think that alot of the problem is that they continuously throw it in our face. My thing is this - so you're gay. So what? Why do I need to know this? Why do you feel that you need to "come out of the closet"? Why do you think that I need to know if you prefer sex with a man or a woman? I...
  11. P

    New York City passes gay marriage!

    Being a "Bible Thumper", as Dan so kindly put it...... I too am against gay marriage. I am against homosexuality. I try not to judge the individual people, however. I have a few gay friends. So, no I do not hate homosexuals. But I do not have to agree with their lifestyle, or their sexuality...
  12. P

    Winner.....Last post

    In your dreams. :p WINNER!
  13. P

    Winner.....Last post

    Not me. It's all mine!
  14. P

    Winner.....Last post

    No you didn't.
  15. P

    Word Connection

    July starts the second half of the year.
  16. P

    The Alphabet Movie Game

    Pennies From Heaven
  17. P

    Winner.....Last post

    Nope sorry, but I win.