
  1. Shortie

    How often do you feel you hit writer's block?

    I myself work as a freelance writer online and one of the things that I feel creeps up more often than I would like it to is writer's block. It always hits at the worst times and you never know how long it may last for until you start getting ideas on what to write about again. This can often...
  2. Shortie

    Do you feel articles can help a forum?

    Forums we all know are something where we can make threads or topics and create discussions. Nowadays though there are ways that you can also create and write articles on forums and have a dedicated area for articles on your forum as well. This can help with the content on your forum which can...
  3. Shortie

    Have you ever written articles?

    Articles are one of the most popular ways to be able to earn online whether it be writing articles for someone else for a website or writing articles for your own blog that you later monetize. I myself hadn't written articles for a while until the other day and I expected myself to be quite...
  4. SeanQuinn87

    How do i get images for a review on a movie / show? (legally?)

    Hello, so i am writing a couple of reviews about different movies and tv shows on my blog and also writing a post about Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Actors). My question is how do i get images for the articles with breaking any copyright laws? :P For my other blog posts that need article images i...