
  1. C

    Reducing security risks on Social Media

    Do you cyber-blab? Are you a compulsive Tweeter or Facebooker? Think carefully about what you post. A simple post about your daily visit to the local coffee shop could be enough to tell a burglar when it is safe to rob your house. Remember EVERYTHING on a Social Media site is public. Facebook...
  2. SeanQuinn87

    CLOSED Facebook Page (Like Exchange)

    Hi, This is my all of my Facebook Pages that i own. :D Please like some or all of them then post links to yours in your reply and i will like them back for you. BSF Videos: https://www.facebook.com/BSFvideos/ BSF Gaming: https://www.facebook.com/BSFgamingvideos/ SQ Post...
  3. SeanQuinn87

    CLOSED Share for a Share (Social Networks)

    I will Share a message to my followers on any of the following Social Networks of mine in return for you doing the same back for me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sean_Quinn_87 Facebook Page(1): https://www.facebook.com/BSFvideos/ Facebook Page(1): https://www.facebook.com/BSFgamingvideos/...
  4. SeanQuinn87

     I cant associate my Facebook & Peak Forums accounts together

    I can not associate my Facebook account to my account here to my Peak Forums account. When i try to do it.. I am taken to Facebook but only to get this error message: Does it work for others here on the forum when youse try to associate your accounts together?