
  1. T

    WTS: Website Promotion with Crowd Posts (Forums, Guest Posts, Profiles, Comments)

    Hello! Our Services:We offer recommended placements on forums, niche sites, Q&A services, microblogs, guest posts in article directories, WEB 2.0, relevant submissions, social networks, and other platforms where you can leave a "natural" link to your website! Our specialists are well-versed...
  2. Jason2022

    What is making certain forums powerful these days?

    Some say forums are declining due to social media, but it's not a 100 percent thing. In fact, a lot of forums are still pumping and maybe not even from artificial stimulation (post exchanges or paid posters). Have you noticed this? What have you seen out there?
  3. Shortie

    How often do you feel you hit writer's block?

    I myself work as a freelance writer online and one of the things that I feel creeps up more often than I would like it to is writer's block. It always hits at the worst times and you never know how long it may last for until you start getting ideas on what to write about again. This can often...
  4. Shortie

    Do you think forums will eventually die?

    I have been on forums now since 2004 with a small break between 2017 - 2022 when I decided to move to video game content creation for a few years. Something I have noticed since coming back compared to say 10 years ago or more is how less popular forums are now. I still love to come on, meet new...
  5. Shortie

    How long have you been running forums?

    Some people may have only just started opening and building up their own forums and others may have been running forums for years. It really depends on each individual as to how long you have been a forum owner. I started out in 2004 creating forums and slowly learned more and more, my first...
  6. Shortie

    Would you consider using free-hosted forums if you need to?

    Free-hosted forums are perfect for someone who would like to create a forum but would not want the expense of it all when it comes to dealing with hosting or even a domain name. Free-hosting is perfect for those who have very little knowledge in setting up a forum and getting things going as...
  7. Shortie

    Do you strive for quality over quantity on a forum?

    When it comes to running a forum, one of the things that many search engines such as Google look at are the quality of the content on the forum over the quantity. Good quality content is something that will help you out more than low-quality content and more content on a forum. I know many...
  8. fords8

    Social Media

    Most of us have social media accounts for our forums. I would like to know how people use these, how they help or don't help, and do you automate your postings from your forum to your social media account? I just started to use the ones for Peak Forum again. I was never big on it. But since...
  9. SeanQuinn87

    Design Where do you get your XenForoe Forum Theme(s)?

    Where do you buy / have made your themes for your XenForo Forums? Please give some names of designers and links to some theme websites. :D
  10. SeanQuinn87

    Question About XenForo Installation?

    On the page where you buy the XenForo license and software, it says.. Installation Service - $50* A XenForo representative will install the latest version on your server, provided it meets the requirements. This does not include PHP or MySQL installation or configuration. When it says "This...
  11. SeanQuinn87

    Thoughts on Buying Forum Posts?

    What is your opinion on if it is a good thing to do or not to pay people to posts on a forum your own?
  12. SeanQuinn87

    Do you write your own forum rules?

    This is to all the forum owners / admins / mods out there.. When you are setting up a forum and adding all the sticky threads with your rules, etc.. Do you write the forum rules from scratch? or Do you search for a template / mock rules list then just edit parts of it to suit you / your forum? :P
  13. SeanQuinn87

    Suggestion A Breadcrumb At The Bottom Of Pages?

    Hey, decided to post and put this suggestion / idea forward. :p I think a breadbrumb bar would be good to have at the bottom of forum and thread pages as well as at the top, instead of it only being at the top. :p After making a reply on a thread using the quick reply box, or even just after...
  14. SeanQuinn87

    Do you hide your email?

    When you sign up to forums on the internet, do you use the option on them to hide your email from other members in those forums?