
  1. Jason2022

    How might baseball be more fun to watch?

    They say stats makes it more fun. Anyway, I was reading baseball is more an anticipation sport. Do you agree?
  2. M

    Here's my picture... give me abuse !! I can take it, let it all out lol

    Hit me with your worst !! profanities welcome !! Btw this isn't some sort of shameful fetish (these people are out there) just a bit of banter so go ahead !! bring it on punks !! lol
  3. M

    Try type 'hello how are you?' without looking.. i bet you can't , no cheating lol

    It looks easier than it is. If you cheat you are only cheating yourself and you're no fun LOL
  4. SeanQuinn87

    Count To 123 (with Board Game Names)

    So each member posting in this thread / in this game will write the next number to the number the latest reply has and also write the name o a board game. The board game can be any board game, from any country and can start with any letter of the alphabet, but the number you write with it must...
  5. SeanQuinn87

    Off To Tenerife In The Morning!

    So i am off to Tenerife in the morning. :D Cant Wait!! :D :D