Would you buy the domain name science.solutions at the price of £90.51 per year? Is it worth that price in your opinion? :p I saw it there while searching domains and wondering if its worth it. :p
What is the "Inventory" page / tab for on our member profiles? :P I just noticed it there when looking on my profile. :P I looked in the settings to to see if there was something related to it, but doesn't seem to be. :P What is it?
How do i change from theme to theme here on the forum? :P I like the theme i am using (see image below) but i want to check the other(s) out to see what they are like. :P Am i correct in thinking this forum has multiple themes that we can change between and decide what one to use?
Why is the word "****" banned? I noticed when creating the following thread: http://peakforums.net/board/threads/i-want-a-maine-cat.118517/ - The thread is about the cat breed Maine ****. It also takes it out the thread title: I want a Maine **** Cat! and out of the URL slug. :p
Is there a way for members to check what files they have uploaded in posted on the forums? :P A page in our settings or somewhere else or something and it shows us the images / files we have uploaded?
I was checking my emails there and noticed that someone has been onto my blog and submitted a contact form on it to contact me via email through the blog. You can see what the person says to me in the photo i have added in this post of the screenshot of the email as well as i have quoted it...