

Senior Talker
PF Member
November 11, 2011..today everyone is doing something to celebrate Veterans Day. Using numbers, 11,11,11, for lottery, getting married, making wishes. Restaurants have been selling meals for $11,11. Its seem like this is a lucky number 11,11,11. today.
"On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free."
- Dan Lipinski



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Here in Germany, November 11 11:11 am is traditionally the beginning of the "fifth season", Carnival Season, when people start to prepare for the main Carnival event in Spring (Rose Monday and Carnival Tuesday), holding Carnival sessions etc. It makes Winter more fun! ;)
The places with the most Carnival activity are Cologne and Mainz, but there are activities everywhere. If you guys ever come to Germany, please do check out at least Cologne. ;)

Germany appears pretty small compared to the US. I still remember the shock when I came back to Germany after a visit in the US ... everything's so small here. Small houses and buildings, narrow roads, even cars are smaller, and so on, as if everything was scaled down. And we're comparably over-populated ... people are everywhere. I miss the vast spaces in the US sometimes. ;)