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13 New Planets found

Really cool! Especially when finding a planet is like trying to look at a candle right next to a halogen headlamp from a distance of 100 miles (using your telescope from an airplane).

<font color="#000000">[Edited by JHowse on August 08, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
13 New Planets, thats cool.

I think I'll find one someday and call it Ireland 2 - The Sequel.

I just love my country!

But I don't think new life will be discoverd, no way, not in my lifetime. God created Earth, and earth only, as from the Bible or he would have sent it in the scriptures.

Sorry, Me and my catholocism again. Ask me any religious questions and I'll answer it!

I don't get it?
What is all this?
i'm hoping they find new life SOON, but they're just so **** elusive ... come out where you're hiding ya bloomin' ****s.

show yourselves for cripe's sake ... get on w/it already.

i'm anxious ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Originally posted by Masterchief:
God created Earth, and earth only, as from the Bible or he would have sent it in the scriptures.

Sorry, Me and my catholocism again. Ask me any religious questions and I'll answer it!

Biblical literalism again - aarghhh!
We'll have to talk about that one day, Masterchief.

I don't think they'll find intelligent life in outer space in my lifetime, but I do think - hope - it's out there.

Didn't they find microbial life on Mars within the last month or two? Or at least the presence of liquid water under the surface, which would be necessary for the sustenance of said life?

My knob tastes funny.
There Definitely IS life out there somewhere. I'd say God created all our planets. How did the others get there if He didn't create them?

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
I agree with liltaz. It said God created the "heavens and the earth." Wouldn't the heavens be considered space and all that?

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
i agree w/mth and taz - god created *everything*.

chief, maybe you can elaborate on that a little more - mind you, i'm not flaming ya. i'd just be interested to hear your take on it

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Exactly. I was always taught he created the sun, the moon, the whole universe...if the others just appeared, that would support more of the "big bang theory" and if those were created that way, wouldn't it make sense to say so was Earth?

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
If you don't agree with the big bang or that God created the other planets, then where did they come from? Did he lose them one day while playing marbles?

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
taz you're a pisser

so do you two guys believe that god created the "big bang" or not?
inquiring minds want to know.

i think He did - only God could mastermind such an awesome plan ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Personally, I've always taken the Bible word for word. That's just how I was taught in school. As I've grown older, I've questioned some of what it said, but I never took it that it didn't mean what it said..if that makes sense. Anyway. I never even thought of Revelation in terms of technology..I always thought of dragons and great ****s. As to the Big Bang, I've never really thought of it that way. It's just always been that God spoke, and poof (or bang, I guess), there it was.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
I don't take it word for word. I think some of it is different views on how things happened and some of it poetry and things, but I think the events happened as said in the Bible. I think God did create "the heavens and the Earth" and I think he created everything within the heavens and the Earth...

A pisser...me? naaaa

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
I think God is the source of *all* things...and I also think that there was a "big bang" from which the physical universe we know of came about.

And I also think that the two are *not* mutually exclusive, i.e. God could have created/allowed the big bang.

My knob tastes funny.
I think you're probably right, poss...

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
OK calm down - im here - stop clapping

It says in Genesis ( I think !?) that in 7 days god created the sun, sea, land etc. No what I think is that all the other planets are created by him, and when Armageddon comes ( IF!!!!!!!! ) and earth life is non exsistant ( yes u can forget about Depp Impact Armageddon the film and that crap.) God will then create life all over again in another planet. And none of the new people will discover that life actually did exsist on earth.
Who Knows maybe we did live way long ago, on another planet way beyond our solar system.

Think about that Children

I don't get it?
What is all this?
It *all* depends on how you read the bible. Are you reading it the same way you would a history book, or a science book? How about a newspaper, or a manual? Each is read differently...

The bible is a storybook at its core (lets not forget that the Jewish people kept an oral history LONG before they decided to write anything down - a history that, to be remembered, was best told using carefully thought-out stories). Stories of a peoples' journey thru life with God at their side. They didn't write Genesis 1 to describe *exactly* how the universe was created - they wrote it to say that it *was* created, and that *God* did so. God is the source of *all* - seen and unseen, understood, misunderstood, and undiscovered.

My knob tastes funny.
Very good point, Possum. You have to think that the Bible was written by individuals who lived in a highly agrarian society with extrememely primitive technology. The original audience of the Bible assumed this. I mean, try explaining the concept of space, planets, and the possibility of new life beyond Earth to those who thought the sun was a super hot ball of iron that came out of the water every day and went back down into the water every night. God didn't want to totally confuse us, so He told us what matters, and for the basics of life, the Bible works just fine.

Imagine being given the dreams that showed the end of the world. How would you feel if you lived in the bronze or iron age and all of the sudden saw an AH-1 Huey Cobra gunship, an F-16, a tank, or a submarine? It would freak me out, too, and I would describe them as beasts with horns that could shoot fire, too.

Just a way to put things in perspective. You have to give the writers of the Bible credit, though. Their language is highly poetic and metaphorical, and I believe that is the best language to describe an all knowing, all powerful God who we cannot possibly comprehend.

<font color="#000000">[Edited by JHowse on August 09, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
Well, what I said is pure speculation. I believe that what happened actually happened, it's just that you have to imagine how a primative group of people viewed the future and very awesome events.

I believe God created everything. I just see it as a plan that He put into motion and one with which He can interface with at any time. The question to ask is where did the Big Bang come from?
Big Bang: He played marbles and they all scattered...

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson