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2010 Warmest Year On Record


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If you haven't believed in global warming yet, look at the weather data from 2010, which was the warmest year on record since 1880.

International Business Times article

It may not seem like it, but 2010 has tied 2005 as the warmest year since people have been keeping records, according to data from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York. The two years differed by less than 0.018 degrees Fahrenheit. That difference is so small that it puts them in a statistical tie. In the new analysis, the next warmest years are 1998, 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2007, which are statistically tied for third warmest year. The GISS records begin in 1880.

(via Slashdot)
The middle ages were warmer then it is now. Were people burning to much wood causing global warming then.
Since the dawn of mans growth in civilization we have seen some of the calmest periods in earths history. Before then the earths was a much more voilent place with its enviroment. And it shows in earths past the planet goes through cycles of calm and voilent. I just cant explain how silly in words this global warming is thinking we have any control on the planets changes in its enviroment. Global warming hoax is all about controling people and there wallets and nothing else.
Your article doesn't cite any exact sources, so I guess he pulled it out of his **** ...

The weather data in the OP has been gathered across the world as actual temperature measurements from the beginnings of weather recordings in 1880. Since the advent of modern technology, this data can be accumulated in realtime and is gathered from weather stations all across the globe.

Conversely, the article you quoted relies on geological data and findings, but doesn't link to the studies involved. It also fails to mention the exact issues of newspapers it appears to quote.

Plus, without a time machine and extensive studies on location, it'd be impossible to say for certain whether the Middle Ages were any warmer than now.

Geology has something of chicken offal readings to me ... b/c it's data gathered from a small number of individual samples taken in a small number of locations leading to theories of what could've been that cannot be reliably proven.

Same as the whole field of anthropology changes everytime a new skeleton is found ... b/c without enough samples, you have to correct your theories every so often.

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

BTW, people in the polar regions have been watching the ice lines recede at speeds of multiple centimeters per year ... if that's not a clue that we're living in a warmer period now, I don't know what is.

Plus, the natural catastrophes that have been prophesied for decades now appear to be finally happening: No year seems to pass without some major catastrophe ... the latest being the large scale flooding of Australia's coasts which hasn't happened in a long time.

Another clue pointing towards the effect of human pollution on the climate is the disappearing of the ozone layer over large areas of the globe. In Australia, it is very noticeable, b/c people apparently fear to go into the sun b/c of a higher skin cancer risk.
---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

As this article explains its been a well established fact discovered in the 1960s that it was far warmer in the middle ages then it is now. Now because this is inconvenient for the global elite who would love to change the economy of the world this proof needs to disapear and they have been trying their hardest. Well that is not going to happen. Yes ive been hearing the ozone is going to disapear at anytime since the early 1980s and were all going to become canibals. Again just plain silly that we have any influence over the earth.

2. http://www.eh-resources.org/timeline/timeline_me.html

3. http://www.science-skeptical.de/blog/the-medieval-warm-period-%E2%80%93-a-global-phenomenon-unprecedented-warming-or-unprecedented-data-manipulation/001342/

4. http://marginalizedactiondinosaur.net/?p=3452

5. Even historians know this is fact and helped developing nations at the time instead of the doom and gloom its supposed to bring to the planet.
My favorite showing ice sheets growing not shrinking. Just more scare tactics to make people believe the world is going to flood.




And even though antartica ice is growing the activist scientists who keep insisting parts of antartica are melting forget to mention the fact of active volcanoes in the region melting the ice not global warming. So much for that ozone thing. To this day there is still no hard proof freon R22 and R12 and even the slightest harm on the ozone. But government and enviromentalists sure did make their money regulating it. Now because of a stupid ban on those refrigerants and the supposedly more enviromentally friendly freons. People are finding the new replacements even worse for the enviroment and less effective in homes. So now we have a banned product that was never proven to be harmful. Less effective AC units which in turn has people using more energy. Stupid government falling for the crazy enviromentalists scams.


And now we have scientists talking about global cooling and a possible mini ice age. It just shows to me no matter how much research the honest scientists do the earths happenings are out of our control.


Freon isn't environmentally more friendly than other CFCs, in fact it is one of them; cf. halocarbon, chlorofluorocarbon

From my memory of organic chemistry in school I know that all compounds with chlorine can be toxic.
I've often wondered if WW2 had any climate effects. Lots of burning and dust going on then. idk....
Or take the industrial age right into the 50ies/60ies, with all those factories blowing their exhaust right into the air, unfiltered. Or the nuclear bomb tests on surface or in the sky.
Freon isn't environmentally more friendly than other CFCs, in fact it is one of them; cf. halocarbon, chlorofluorocarbon

From my memory of organic chemistry in school I know that all compounds with chlorine can be toxic.

Being in the business where I handled different refrigerants for over twenty years you get in the habit of calling them all freon because when you work with people who are familiar with it you usually dont have to say 134A, R22, R12, ETC.
Those article do quote 200 gigatons (metric) of ice melting on Greenland every year. A gigaton is 1 billion tons or 1 trillion kg (1 ton = 1000 kg). That's still a pretty noteworthy amount, I'd say ... it could contribute to sea levels rising. Also, 200 cubic kilometers (km³) is a significant volume ... even if it takes like 12,000 years or 19,000 to melt Greenland entirely, these numbers are still significant and we should be glad it isn't more ... it's almost every year now that icebergs are found swimming in the seas ... of course, on Earth's grand scale, these numbers look small, but how it will affect us humans is what matters.
It also notes that the planet is on a cooling trend like many scientists without a political agenda are showing in there data. So the chances of it ever melting in 19000 years is slim. Again natures enviroment has been doing radical changes long before we got here and very little we can do to change it by having the government control my thermostat and try to make me feel guilty driving my SUV.
having the government control my thermostat and try to make me feel guilty driving my SUV.

Well, originally, I wanted to present to you that great "Indian" quote: "Only when the last tree is cut; only when the last river is polluted; only when the last fish is caught; only then will they realize that you cannot eat money.", however, as it turned out, while it was quoted very often in the 1980ies and such, and being attributed to Chief Seattle and the Cree Indians, and a movie director, that no-one seems to know for sure nowadays where it comes from.

Keep driving your gas guzzler, I certainly won't stop you. Probably the US-Americans will still drive petroleum cars when the rest of the world has long gone electric ... but who knows, the oil and petrol car lobby is strong, and there's no end in sight for now ...

Gas prices over here are already pretty painful, and that's one of the reasons why electric cars seem to be like manna from the sky.

So far, US corporations were able to keep prices low for US customers, but if you'd had to pay the same as we are paying now, you'd pay $12 for a gallon of fuel.

My father often said that we'd finance the American life style, but he was pretty right-wing, and I bet you two would've gotten along well! ;)
I remember those commercials as a kid. Wasnt that the indian with the tear running down his cheek. I even fell for all lefts nonsense as a young kid and was quite the left winger at one time until I realized it had absolutely nothing to do with the enviroment they were trying to save. Instead it was a means to a end for political power and then I began my journey away from there destructive nature (pardon the pun) and into the only true from of government that has ever worked on this planet for all people. Capitalism.

Gas prices are only high because government chooses to make them high in your country. Nothing else. In Americas case its the left wing loons fighting tooth and nail not allowing new places to be drilled for oil and we have plenty. Fighting tooth and nail not allowing new production facilities in the last 25 or 35 years. And nut cases like Obama more then happy to further that cause and let hard working Americans pay those higher gas prices when it does not have to be that way. Americans may be a little slow to catch on but when gas prices climb to high and they start learning why its going to be like the salem witch burnings for wacko enviromentalists all over again.
I remember those commercials as a kid. Wasnt that the indian with the tear running down his cheek. I even fell for all lefts nonsense as a young kid and was quite the left winger at one time until I realized it had absolutely nothing to do with the enviroment they were trying to save. Instead it was a means to a end for political power and then I began my journey away from there destructive nature (pardon the pun) and into the only true from of government that has ever worked on this planet for all people. Capitalism.

Yeah, I guess I'm still pretty left wing. In fact, I've been left wing since my teen age. You could call me ultra-left-wing, b/c I'm an anarchist and think that no government is the best government. I'd favor local administrations. But I also realize that this is a dream that cannot currently be implemented b/c it requires a different kind of mindset. It is also incompatible with capitalism, b/c anarchy combined with capitalism might be the capitalist's ultimate dream, but it would endanger everyone in unpredictable ways. Also, I believe that further down the line, anarchy and getting rid of capitalism will be possible by the use of computer technology. But we're far away from that. I picture something akin to Iain M. Banks' Culture universe, where intelligent AI cares about production and keeps an eye on the people. But people would be free to do basically whatever they want.

I'm also a supporter of environmentalism, simply b/c I don't want to live in a polluted world. If you want an example of how bad that could be, read Peter F. Hamilton's Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained, which contains an alien named MorningLightMountain that pollutes its home planet to get maximum efficiency. This is what people would do with Earth if there weren't any rules.

Gas prices are only high because government chooses to make them high in your country. Nothing else. In Americas case its the left wing loons fighting tooth and nail not allowing new places to be drilled for oil and we have plenty. Fighting tooth and nail not allowing new production facilities in the last 25 or 35 years. And nut cases like Obama more then happy to further that cause and let hard working Americans pay those higher gas prices when it does not have to be that way. Americans may be a little slow to catch on but when gas prices climb to high and they start learning why its going to be like the salem witch burnings for wacko enviromentalists all over again.

You're right, our gas prices mostly come from energy tax, which was introduced by the Green Party foremost to force the car industry into producing more environment-friendly cars. But it also fills the government's cash box, which in turn is good for us all, b/c it helps the government finance things.

In the past years, I've noticed with horror, that many people here now are against the taxes ... but they're hurting themselves, should the taxes be removed one day, b/c it will stop the government from spending on essential things. But perhaps costs will be able to be reduced by computer technology.

I believe even communism (in the original sense, not as a dictatorship) could've worked pretty well if there had been computers.

Countries like China aren't really communist, for various reasons ... the GDR and the USSR weren't either. True communism is very similar to anarchy, except that all goods are shared. In anarchy, there can be private property. In the GDR and other similar socialist / pseudo communist countries, people expected even women to be shared, as if they were things.

To me, the USA always looks like at the brink of another civil war ... Both Democrats and Republicans fight with clenched teeth ... if you would've had a "proper dictatorship" like we did, you'd appreciate political freedom more and not use it to verbally kill each other. Similar things happened in the Republic of Weimar, and I wished people would learn from the past, instead of repeating it.
Here is the thing I might be as far right as they come. But I still believe in a enviromentally healthly world just like my younger years as a lefty. Im just not believing what they say is so bad for the enviroment is really all that bad. Specially when the things they are so worried about drives the worlds economys. I just dont trust the judgement of a government to do it in a fair and balanced way that doesnt take my rights away and destroy economys for what they think is best for the planet.

Well we might not agree on much with this topic but at least we can do it friendly like with a exchange of information and thats a rare thing.