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Part Of The Furniture
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Describe yourself in three words, using a color, an adjective, and an animal, and explain why you chose what you did.

Blue - It's the color of water. It's also calm, serene, and peaceful - not that I'm necessarily those things, but I try to be.

Blessed - I've been put through a lot (both by myself and others), and I've come out unscathed.

Butterfly - It's a symbol of rebirth and renewal. (Plus they're just really pretty. I love butterflies.)

Hm..all "b" words..
Gray: A duller color that, if used well, can be a cool color.

Lazy: I dont know what it is, but something as simple as going grocery shopping is like a chore to me. I never feel like doing anything!

Dog: All they do is eat, sleep, play, and screw. LMAO
yellow - Bright, colorful, everyone notices it..lol..plus it just looks darn good :)

wacked - I'm out there! Way Way out there! lol I don't think I have many rational thoughts in my head :) But at least I have fun!

Shark - Ruthless :) When I see something I want..I go get it.
Orange - Tis my color from the true colors exercise and it describes me perfectly

Hyper - I cant sit still.

Dog - What can I say they are the best.
Green - It's the color of growth, of trees in summer, of the beaches by me. :p

Serendipitous - My life seems to be a series of incidents, accidents, and run-ins that usually turn out to be good.

Dolphin - A playful and intelligent creature that has a tendency to make funny noises that aren't usually understood by random observers.
Originally posted by spinne
Dolphin - A playful and intelligent creature that has a tendency to make funny noises that aren't usually understood by random observers.

What is a FARTER?
Originally posted by spinne
A playful and intelligent creature that has a tendency to make funny noises that aren't usually understood by random observers.

:gas: :fart:
Blue - I'm really mellow and laid-back. But I like to think that I'm also warm and inviting like a clear blue sky. :embarass:

Sincere - Just about everything I say (when I'm not joking around, of course) is straight from the heart.

Penguin - I often appear in people's dreams and say, "Slide!"

Okay, so I'm nothing like a penguin... but I really can't think of an animal that I associate with, and I think I did a decent job of describing myself with the first two. If I was a penguin, though, I'd wear sweaters so I would look cooler than the other penguins.


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Originally posted by nootch
Penguin - I often appear in people's dreams and say, "Slide!"

F! What movie is that from!? this is driving me nuts. tell me please!!!
"Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, I'm comfortable with that. I am enlightened." -- Fight Club
oh, now i'm disappointed that it was fight club. i thought it was from something that i would feel like watching...
Purple. I don't know why...
oh wait. Since I'm an alien abductee, could it be because I'm a people eater?

Cynical. Trust no one. Everyone is out to steal your underwears. Seriously though, I'm getting old and have found that the majority of people are out for themselves and will step all over ya if it gets them another rung up the ladder.

Grizzly Bear. I'm happy to be on my own, love nature, enjoy peace and quiet, could live in a cave like a hermit and be happy... but poke me too many times with a stick and I'll rip yer head off. :D
Blue: My favorite color (along with green). Blue is the color of the ocean...comprised of water...an element showing waves of emotion.

Idealistic: I would like to believe in a world where things would work in an ideal way...things like...true love...true happiness...life without suffering or death...no hate...

Cat: I am a cat lover, myself, but a cat is like me since they are easy going but tense.
Orange - Because orange is a hyperactive color, and I am hyperactive. (My grandmother would describe me as 'having a ferret up me arse'.)

Contrasting - Because although I am hyperactive, I am also **** lazy (see below.).

Cat - Hey, they spend 18hrs a day sleeping .. which I have been known to do .. and I am **** lazy.

OCC, I'll have to think of something that could stand for .. :)
Navy Blue: Tried and true ;) Solid, respectable, an ardent, strong, but serene color that happens to complement almost all other colors. It is royal and humble at the same time, but either way is unwaveringly proud and noble.

Loved That is, as "blessed" and "serendipitous" are taken (really, I feel those have hit my personal nail on the head). I truly feel so incredibly lucky for all of the amazing people I have in my life -- my peers, my family, those who i inspire, those who are thankful for me and my presense in their lives.

Penguin Did you know that penguins are one of the only animals that are monogomous for life? That in and of itself demonstrates commitment, determination, and perserverence. And they've been known to wear really cool sweaters. I don't know which aspect of this I think fits me better ;)
Blue- my favorite color. Soothing to me, reminding me of nature- the big open sky, the earth, the beautiful ocean, a clean slate.

Complex- I can be serious, fun, grumpy, content, thoughtful, dark, restless, peaceful, curious, idealistic, yet cynical at times

Birds/butterflies- I love birds in general, but I have always wondered what it would be like to fly. Birds look so peaceful and free and beautiful, as do butterflies.

Purple: Kinky, entertaining, and enticing, with hidden secrets

Idiotic: I've adopted a new way to avoid being shy. Act drunk, whether you are or you're not. Since when drunk you're naturally not shy, you can be even worse.

Kitten Or Dolphin: Kitten because their entire lives revolve around fun, they've got beautiful fur, and I'm hydrophobic (Afraid of water). Dolphin because they're graceful, their lives revolve around fun, They help me conquer my fear of water, and they're the only other species on earth that has sex for recreation. ;) (Now tell me that's not a typical male answer...)