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$31,264.00 to be exact...


Expert Talker
PF Member
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Ottawa - Plainfield - Minooka - Peru
Next Tuesday we are making our last payment to pay off $31,264.00 of creditcard debt that we had.


:cartwheel: :cartwheel: :cartwheel: :cartwheel:

:cartwheel: :cartwheel: :cartwheel: :cartwheel:
Congrats!!! How did you do? how long did it take you?:bee:
Wow!!!! That is impressive!!

Congratulations on your achievement!!
YAY!!! Congrats! :hiphip:

Once you get that paid off, you will NEVER want to charge another thing! Good for you!
:bliss: Congratulations!! that's awesome! :bliss:
Great job. Congrats on sticking with it to the end.
Congrats and learn the lesson to not overuse them again :) Using it for emergency is fine.... a coach bag, new shoes and the likes are not emergencies. Breaking down on a road, definitely whip that puppy out!
Not meaning that you, Harrisfamily, personally ever used them for those items. In general folks use them for "emergencies" that are little more than wants and NOT needs. Was not putting you down, harrisfamily. You should be very proud of yourself for paying that off, it is incredible!
OMG! That is wonderful......Now that makes for a wonderful holiday season.

I know some look at going through a credit program as a NO NO but I just paid $31,264.00 off in a little under 5 years. It would have taken me so much longer on my own.


I think credit programs are great if they are needed! There are different types of credit programs from what I understand, debt consolidation and debt counseling. I think the debt counseling is the better one. My mom is going through this for a similar amount of debt, to be paid off in about a year. It's an awesome program. You basically pay them a monthly payment and they make the payments to the credit card companies. They negotiate with them from the start to get the interest rate lowered (significantly) and lower min. payments. The accounts are all closed and you are not allowed to open any new accounts, which is good if you are like my mom and can't control spending, bad if there is an emergency (which I've had to help out with). The amount my mom is paying a month to get everything paid off is probably about what she was paying a month just in over limit and late fees and high interest. She never would have gotten out of it without this program. Sorry for the long winded response but I just think this is so great for anyone who can use it.