I was reading CNN and saw the story about the 5,000 dead black birds found. The story is here http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/03/arkansas.falling.birds/index.html?hpt=T2 .
"The birds, most of which were dead when they were found, were red-winged blackbirds and starlings. They were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky New Year's Eve in Beebe, Arkansas
500 birds found dead in southern Louisiana in seemingly separate incident"
The carziest thing to me is that it was in a one mile area. Which got me thinking of what the cause of birds to fall out of the sky and die would be. Someone said they all just met up drank the kool-aid like in Jonestown, I laughed but then thought about it seriously. In a one mile radius a poisioning of some type could be possible. The article does go on to claim that the prelimanary tests show that there was no poison found. Then I found this article on a fish epidemic. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/02/arkansas.fish.kill/index.html?iref=allsearch . It also is in Arkansas, and up to 100,000 drum fish died. "Arkansas officials are investigating the death of an estimated 100,000 fish in the state's northwest, but suspect disease was to blame, a state spokesman said Sunday." They said it wasn't a pollutant since it only affected one species which is hard to argue. They also say that the two stories are not related. The kool-aid comment got me to think about the BP oil spill. I am not some crazed tree hugger at all, and have no harsh feelings towards those that are. An oil spill happened and they tried to stop it the best the could, if they were lying thats a whole different story. Anyway, what if the oil spill may have affected something in just those fish,and the birds ate some of the fish. I don't know the specifics of their diets so I cannot make this judgement off of knowledge, just pure speculation. Fish die due to a reaction from oil spill, bird eats fish, and dies, seems plausable.
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"The birds, most of which were dead when they were found, were red-winged blackbirds and starlings. They were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky New Year's Eve in Beebe, Arkansas
500 birds found dead in southern Louisiana in seemingly separate incident"
The carziest thing to me is that it was in a one mile area. Which got me thinking of what the cause of birds to fall out of the sky and die would be. Someone said they all just met up drank the kool-aid like in Jonestown, I laughed but then thought about it seriously. In a one mile radius a poisioning of some type could be possible. The article does go on to claim that the prelimanary tests show that there was no poison found. Then I found this article on a fish epidemic. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/02/arkansas.fish.kill/index.html?iref=allsearch . It also is in Arkansas, and up to 100,000 drum fish died. "Arkansas officials are investigating the death of an estimated 100,000 fish in the state's northwest, but suspect disease was to blame, a state spokesman said Sunday." They said it wasn't a pollutant since it only affected one species which is hard to argue. They also say that the two stories are not related. The kool-aid comment got me to think about the BP oil spill. I am not some crazed tree hugger at all, and have no harsh feelings towards those that are. An oil spill happened and they tried to stop it the best the could, if they were lying thats a whole different story. Anyway, what if the oil spill may have affected something in just those fish,and the birds ate some of the fish. I don't know the specifics of their diets so I cannot make this judgement off of knowledge, just pure speculation. Fish die due to a reaction from oil spill, bird eats fish, and dies, seems plausable.
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