This is why I support my Second Amendment. Gun-grabbers would rather this 85 year old would have been beaten, raped, murdered?
Good for this Granny!!!
There are many reasons to support gun rights. But knowing that an elderly woman is able to defend herself when an uninvited intruder breaks into her home is truly priceless. The very fact that she was armed made ALL the difference in this incident, reported by
In Orangeburg County, South Carlina, an 85-year-old woman woke up to the sound of her dog barking at 2:15am early Sunday morning. Before she went to investigate what the dog was barking at she made an important decision? she grabbed her handgun.
When the pistol packing granny entered the dining room she came face to face with the intruder.
According to the police report the woman?s first reaction was to yell at the intruder, ?What are you doing in my house?? She said that the crook did not move and did not respond to her question. But her next move definitely got a reaction. She raised her gun and fired a shot at the intruder.
The intruder then ran out of the house through a back door and went down a nearby dirt road. Deputies are checking Midlands hospitals for someone with a gunshot wound after he incident.
Good for this Granny!!!
There are many reasons to support gun rights. But knowing that an elderly woman is able to defend herself when an uninvited intruder breaks into her home is truly priceless. The very fact that she was armed made ALL the difference in this incident, reported by
In Orangeburg County, South Carlina, an 85-year-old woman woke up to the sound of her dog barking at 2:15am early Sunday morning. Before she went to investigate what the dog was barking at she made an important decision? she grabbed her handgun.
When the pistol packing granny entered the dining room she came face to face with the intruder.
According to the police report the woman?s first reaction was to yell at the intruder, ?What are you doing in my house?? She said that the crook did not move and did not respond to her question. But her next move definitely got a reaction. She raised her gun and fired a shot at the intruder.
The intruder then ran out of the house through a back door and went down a nearby dirt road. Deputies are checking Midlands hospitals for someone with a gunshot wound after he incident.