999 calls


Establishing Talker
PF Member
I've just read this article on the type of 999 emergency calls that were received over the Christmas period and, really, these people should be ashamed of themselves! What if somebody they loved could not get through with a genuine emergency because of them?
Totally sick I spose.

They wouldnt be laughing if they were in a house fire over christmas would they.
There are people who think that making prank calls on emergency numbers are funny. They are irresponsible and do not think of the consequences of what they are doing to other people who maybe in a real emergency situation. They should be traced and placed in prison cells.
I agree that they should be prosecuted to some extent. Reading the article, some of the people sound like they may actually not be mentally stable. Others, I'm sure, are drunk and/or think they are being funny. The ones that are doing it strictly for the purpose of prank should face some kind of consequence.