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A tornado's heading your way: Now what?


Chief Talker
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You've just that heard a tornado is headed directly toward you. You don't have a safe room, and you're not near a shelter. Do you hunker down and hope for the best or do you flee?

Emergency officials have long held that you should just stay put if you're inside anything other than a mobile home -- and head for the lowest floor and the inner-most room.

Yet even with improvements to severe weather prediction, no one can say with certainty what a tornado will do.

In Moore, Oklahoma, a woman and her brother took shelter inside their restaurant's walk-in freezer and survived. Another woman and her baby did the same thing at a convenience store -- and died.

Terimy Miller initially put her three sons into a closet but changed her mind when she turned on the TV and heard a reporter talking about her neighborhood.

"He said, 'Get out now if you have no shelter. If you have shelter, get in it. But if you don't, get out ... it's not safe. Go! It's too huge!'"

So Miller put the boys -- 6, 7 and 11 -- into her car and drove off, her radio on.

"They said, 'It's getting right close to 19th and 4th," she recalled. "I said, 'Boys, it's right behind us! You can see it, you can see it!' "

She steered out of its path, escaping unharmed. When she returned, her home -- closet and all -- was destroyed.

Another woman who hid inside her closet survived unharmed after the closet door landed on top of her and protected her.

Read more http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/25/us/tornado-safety/index.html
Where I live we get tornadoes but they are not as bad as places in the US, some of the ones I have seen in the last two weeks are just upsetting in Oklahoma. During the one last week I read that they were telling people to get in their cars and drive south which surely is a bad thing to say to anyone in such circumstances.

I think if I was to be in a situation where a tornado was heading towards where I was, I would probably do everything I could to get as low as I could and hope for the best.
Hey Shortie861, glad to see you again!

I agree. Stay low is the best solution, that way you can avoid as much of the lethal objects that is flying around that you can.