According to the US Census, US White Children Nearly a Minority


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For the first time, half (49.9%) of American children under the age of five are of a racial or ethnic minority, according to the US Census Bureau.

The agency projected that in the US, whites would become a minority in the under-five age group this year or next.

The 2012 data also found that for the first time in more than a century, there were more deaths than births among white Americans.

The "natural decrease" occurred several years earlier than forecast, it said.

The government figures also project that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18.

The Census Bureau expects further decline among the white population as aging baby-boomers die.

The latest findings come a year after the census reported that whites had fallen to a minority among babies in the US.

Minority populations are growing faster than the white community due to high birth rates, especially in the Hispanic community, as well as immigration.

But the white American population is still seeing small increases because of immigration from Europe, the data shows.


i'm not sure how i feel about this; just because whites are the technical 'minority' doesn't mean anything changes socially. i'd like to see a more radical change as far as racism goes rather than actual numbers, haha.

what do you guys think? do you suppose this is going to change anything about our society? or is it all bunk?
I'd like to think that there would be changes socially...
Like maybe we'd see more ethnic people playing the main characters in movies, or we'd see more culturally diverse TV shows... but, I doubt it will happen soon.
It's kind of like, just because white people may be the minority in numbers, they still hold the power socially. Unless that changes, then, I don't think we will see any significant changes in social media or racism or anything.